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elios blades

a friend brought me a ten pack of these elios de blades back from italy, loaded one up in a fatip ,got a nice lather in bowl and started to shave with it, the worst and only bad de shave i have had so far, it was like shaving with a broken bottle, after first pass i took the blade out and replaced it with an astra, i think if a carried on it would have meant plastic surgery, anyone any experience of these blades, i thought they were brutal and will not chance them again.
Though certainly not my #1 I can get some decent shaves out of Elios blades and to me they are pretty close to Bolzano's. Not so strange since both are made by the same german company (Feintechnik) which also produces Croma and (almost certain) the Merkur blades.
I found out that both Elios and Bolzanos harvest my skin and let the beard almost untouched. Utterly horrible to use :censored:. I think that if those were the only blades available, I would grow a beard. Of course YMMV, but My Mileage and Sense Of Survival say full stop on both. I have a couple of Croma and Merkur as well and (according to talibeard) will wait for a very brave moment and "speed-dial to First Aid" on the ready before trying them out.
I found out that both Elios and Bolzanos harvest my skin and let the beard almost untouched. Utterly horrible to use :censored:. I think that if those were the only blades available, I would grow a beard. Of course YMMV, but My Mileage and Sense Of Survival say full stop on both. I have a couple of Croma and Merkur as well and (according to talibeard) will wait for a very brave moment and "speed-dial to First Aid" on the ready before trying them out.

Agreed - I just went 2 shaves on an Elios. The first shave was with GFT Violet soap. The lather was a bit thin, so I thought that may have been a factor. So for the second shave, I went for my First Class prep and lathered with Musgo Real cream (which is 99% foolproof for me). 5 hours later, my face is still sore and I'm beginning to think I've suddenly forgotten how to shave. These blades must be unique in all of shavedom for being able to remove the skin below the follicle without actually touching the hair. Amazing. They should take out a patent on that.

Stay away from these blades, for the love of all that is sacred!
Stay away from these blades, for the love of all that is sacred!

+1, I remember the pain as well and the amazing effects as you describe!

I had this very brave moment with the Croma blade last week. It feels slightly less bad than the Elios on my face and as I am in a self-inflicting pain-week, I managed to get 4 shaves out of one blade before ditching it. Just one Croma left. I feel brave enough to finish that last Croma next week. After that I'll switch to a non-face-shredding blade, and have ample choice for that :001_smile.
Yes, they should start putting "non-face-shredding blade" and "face-shredding blade" on blades so people would know what they're buying.
I had this very brave moment with the Croma blade last week. It feels slightly less bad than the Elios on my face and as I am in a self-inflicting pain-week, I managed to get 4 shaves out of one blade before ditching it. Just one Croma left. I feel brave enough to finish that last Croma next week. After that I'll switch to a non-face-shredding blade, and have ample choice for that :001_smile.

I love that YMMV-thing; I'll take an Elios over a Croma blade every time. Maybe not as bad as Derby for me but a Croma is closer to a blank than I would like from a razor blade!
I tried Croma early on in my DE journey. I didn't mind them, but given what I know now, I think I can conclude that Cromas must be the only blade that give the same result with or without lather. If you want to really save money wetshaving, use a Croma blade without lather. Your face won't know the difference!
OK, back to an Astra blue for the last couple of days, all is good in the world (except they're just not sharp enough for my military-issue beard).

Elios - must be a foreign translation for "useless" or "sh1thouse" (as we might say Down Under).
The second Croma-blade was useless, ditched after two shaves. Glad I've got them out of my den. Croma, Elios, Bolzano are definitely not my cup of tea. But there must be people who like them, oddly enough, as these blades still are made.

"Elios - must be a foreign translation for "useless" or "sh1thouse" (as we might say Down Under)."
I have now had 5 shaves with two different Elios blades. My recommendation is to stay away from these blades (YMMV). Not at all sharp enough and a tad rough.
I found out that both Elios and Bolzanos harvest my skin and let the beard almost untouched. Utterly horrible to use :censored:. I think that if those were the only blades available, I would grow a beard. Of course YMMV, but My Mileage and Sense Of Survival say full stop on both. I have a couple of Croma and Merkur as well and (according to talibeard) will wait for a very brave moment and "speed-dial to First Aid" on the ready before trying them out.

Ouch! thanks for the warning!
Elios Inoxidable & Bolzanos superinox, you will be better off if you use a Dull butter knife to shave! I wonder why they still call them Razor Blades!
A little bit off-topic, I tried a Zorrik-blade last week. It's made in Bangladesh. It's not as bad as the Elios and Bolzano, but comes very close in performance on my face. During the second shave with that blade I decided to ditch it after the first pass. I will not use this blade ever again...
To end on a positive note: I switched to Souplex and smile again :biggrin1:.
Surprisingly, I've found the Elios to be some of my favorite blades. In my Testina Gentile Fattip, Elios blades easily outperform Astras, Bolzanos, and Feathers, in my opinion. I do have to change them after two shaves, though. I think these blades in the aforementioned razor provide my second favorite blade/razor combo, still behind GEM MMOC and Treet carbon steel blades.
Not sure what the fuss is about. Croma Diamant blades are some of the best blades I have ever used on any razor. I think Merkur blades and Bolzano are a step below in both sharpness and smooth, I haven't tried Elios but I sincerely doubt it is as horrible as people say. For my personal preference Derby and Dorco produce by far much worse results on my skin.

I can't help but think that some of the exaggerated comments here have a lot to do with skin type and shaving technique (ie. 3rd pass against the grain might be asking too much of most blades that aren't Feather or Perma-sharp).
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