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EJ89 to 34C to ??

After 6 weeks of use, I am finally there with the R41 with webber Bulldog handle as my every day razor and I now find limited motivation to acquire my next razor. Has RAD been cured roughly one year into DE shaving with only 2 razors? Time will tell.

I can say I see why many if not most of those who have tried this razor cannot use it consistently. I think it requires both the right face (heavier, less sensitive) and technique to work as a daily driver. For me it took a full month to get there on technique and I ended up borrowing a lot from things I read on straight shaving given the nature of this razor. I now agree fully that steeper angle is optimal for this razor.

I ended last week with zero irritation after 5 days of shaving and a great shave. A year into DE shaving and I am finally getting the results and efficiency I was seeking. Here's hoping it keeps getting better from here.
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