What's the best?
Curious about this because, from my experience, the best aftershaves are made by companies specializing in shaving products (Speik, Musgo, SCS Sandalwood) and not fragrances / EDTs.
Case in point: a while back I bought a bottle of D&G aftershave. The scent was good, but it was a fairly crappy aftershave: seemed like just straight alcohol and fragrance. Didn't feel too good on the face either and I definitely got a bit of a reaction to it in a bad way.
More recently, however, I discovered Zino by Davidoff's aftershave. GOOD LORD does this stuff smell like it was made in heaven!!!! And when I looked at the bottle, it actually has stuff like allantoin and glycerin in it!!! I.e., ingredients that actually make a good aftershave! Can't wait to try it!
So this got me to thinkin': I wonder if there are any other hidden gems out there? Could Caron's Yatagan or Pour Une Homme aftershave be good? I say hidden gem because you can usually get aftershaves at a deep discount to a design house's EDTs. Any recommendations?
Curious about this because, from my experience, the best aftershaves are made by companies specializing in shaving products (Speik, Musgo, SCS Sandalwood) and not fragrances / EDTs.
Case in point: a while back I bought a bottle of D&G aftershave. The scent was good, but it was a fairly crappy aftershave: seemed like just straight alcohol and fragrance. Didn't feel too good on the face either and I definitely got a bit of a reaction to it in a bad way.
More recently, however, I discovered Zino by Davidoff's aftershave. GOOD LORD does this stuff smell like it was made in heaven!!!! And when I looked at the bottle, it actually has stuff like allantoin and glycerin in it!!! I.e., ingredients that actually make a good aftershave! Can't wait to try it!
So this got me to thinkin': I wonder if there are any other hidden gems out there? Could Caron's Yatagan or Pour Une Homme aftershave be good? I say hidden gem because you can usually get aftershaves at a deep discount to a design house's EDTs. Any recommendations?