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Edge Shaving Gel vs. Real Shaving co. Cream

I've shaved with both edge ultra sensitive shaving gel and real shaving co. cream. For some reason it feels like the DE glides better with the edge gel than with the real shaving co. cream. I thought that lather in a can wasn't as good as lather in a tube or soap. Do any of you use shaving gel with better results than soap or non-aerosol cream?
I can't even stand to look at a can of shave gel now that I've been using old-fashioned shaving cream and a brush. There are a few reasons why YMMV, though.

The particular cream you're using might not be slick enough or cushiony enough to your liking. You may be adding too much water, or too little, not whipping it enough with the brush, using too small a bowl, or not reciting the correct mantra during the full moon.

Once you get the hang of it, though, making your own lather is far more enjoyable than dispensing blue goo onto your face, and the variety of shaving creams available from all over the world brings and endless variety to the shaving experience.
I fully admit I have a can of proraso foam on my shelf.

there are days I just don't want to spend the energy to lather up.
Well edge shave gel was the only gel i used before i discovered this wonderful world of real creams and soaps. Acctually if i do need to shave in a hurry its what i go to.
This might sound a bit boneheaded, but are you using a brush with that RSC? The brush makes a big difference. Another thing to keep in mind is that the quality of the lather (cream or soap) will vary greatly with the quality of the water (hard or soft) it's made with.

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I've shaved with both edge ultra sensitive shaving gel and real shaving co. cream. For some reason it feels like the DE glides better with the edge gel than with the real shaving co. cream. I thought that lather in a can wasn't as good as lather in a tube or soap. Do any of you use shaving gel with better results than soap or non-aerosol cream?

before my days of wetshaving, I tried every shaving gel aerosol thingy that there was...new and old formulation.

Let me make this real simple...if you make your lather properly (I mean properly...not a quick whip and fooling yourself into thinking that you've got great lather), NO shave gel can come close...NONE :thumbup1:. it;s all in the lather and prep. Plain and simple.
I do understand YMMV but I've just used RSC sensitive cream for the first time. Managed to pick up 6 tubes for the equivalent of a $1.50 a tube!

And for me it lathers up beautifully - easily on a par with some TOBS creams.

Definitely worth sticking with. Check out he lather tutorials, check them again and then have another read.

Once you crack the lathering, there's no going back!
Real Shaving Co. cream has been working great for me; just don't add too much water and spend time lathering your face with the brush... it seems to fluff out nicely.
RSC is great stuff and reasonably priced which is nice too. While gels might work to a certain degree, the problem I find with them above all others is that they tend to clog the razor rather quickly. Which ruins the shave and makes the razor/blade less effective than it should be.

This might sound a bit boneheaded, but are you using a brush with that RSC? The brush makes a big difference. Another thing to keep in mind is that the quality of the lather (cream or soap) will vary greatly with the quality of the water (hard or soft) it's made with.

Welcome to B&B.

I am using a brush and it makes a good creamy lather.
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Exactly what is it in these non-aerosol creams and soaps that makes them better than canned cream and gel? I looked at the ingredients and there's not much of a difference. The only difference is the gas ingredients used to spray them out of the can.
I'm a big fan of whipping up lather with one of my vintage brushes with RSC and other good creams and soaps. A few days ago I grabbed a can of Fusion gel from my sons bathroom on a whim and lathered up after showering. Used a Schick injector with an EMS blade, and I gotta be honest, the shave was just as good as what I get with the "good stuff".

Sure, it wasn't as much fun, but it did get the job done. And using the combination of a very good razor, blade, and technique probably didn't hurt either.

While I have no plan on going back to the gel, I do believe in a pinch it would serve more than adequately with the right hardware.
I always find shaving gel from a can is much thicker and more cushioning than making it yourself, but I like the idea of there being no added chemicals etc

Also when you rub gel in with your hands it's supposed to matte your hair rather than raise it like a brush and soap/cream does, which (as far as I know) is why most if not all DE users use a brush with soap or cream, as there is only 1 blade the hair needs to be raised as much as it can be
I actually switched from canned gel to TOBS cream (without a brush) before I gave up my M3. The difference for me was the way my face felt afterwards. With the gels, my skin was always dry, but with a good quality cream, it actually moisturized my face better.

If I am in a hurry, I still make a good face lather, and just do one pass with my M3. That way my skin still feels good, but I spend less time shaving.
off topic but try aveeno canned gooo

i think that brand of goo is as good as it gets and it smells like almonds
I used up lot of Edge and other shaving gels before I returned to to traditional wetshaving with soaps and creams. I used to rub it on with my fingers. In terms of protection, it wasn't too bad. However, whatever they named the fragrance, it always smelled like deodorant or chemicals. One of the gels I used smelled like cardboard.

I'd rather spend a minute or two whipping up a nice lather with traditional products than I would leaving the bathroom smelling like WD-40.
The only thing that I can say bad about Gillette's shave gel in a can is that it smelt of nothing and that i used my hands instead of my shave brush. However with my Mama Bear's Beau Brummel shave soap I smell like a gentleman when I leave the water closet.*old timey way of saying bathroom* I just like the brush more when it is warm instead of the room temperature shave gel in a can goo. :001_smile
I have a can of the edge sensitive gel and I just got a tub of the provoso sensitive shave cream. I can honestly say that I won't be going back to Edge as much as i like the performance of the Provoso in the white tub with my wally world brush.
I am using a brush and it makes a good creamy lather.

Fair enough. Had to make sure you were doing it right. :thumbup1:

Honestly, I think there are some good canned products out there. I used Nivea gel before I switched to creams and thought it worked fine. For me, it's more a question of avoiding the unnecessary chemicals in aerosols, keeping the cans out of the landfill, and treating my face to lanolin soaps/creams. Plus it's a kick to use a brush.
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