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eBay delivers..........again

How about a boxed pair of Jon Engstrom framebacks for 20 Euros.
Sure one of the blades needs a little work but the DMT will make short work of that.



A hours work taking out the chips and honing them up and I reckon you'd struggle to get them for under $150. These are keepers though I think.
That's a very nice score :thumbup:...Those chips are doable. How about hone wear? Is it minimal or even along the spine? I can't tell from the pictures. Regardless, great buy for €20


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That would be perfect as a travel set, the box is very nice!
Oh, so YOU bought that! I was watching that auction. I was seriously considering bidding on those blades. They looked so nice, especially in that case. I don't have the resources/hones to take out those chips though.
Man... I am still struggling to get my Blue Steel Razor Co., New York razor in a workable shape :(

Wish I had your dexterity with honing and restoring!'
Cant I send that to you?

Nice find, though!
I really like the old framebacks, I still have yet to get any. Good steal, the DMT 325 should remove the chips make sure to use tape though...
Nice score. I was watching that one, too, but decided against bidding on it. Too many hone purchases among other things...
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