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Early to bed Early to rise ?

How many of you follow the sage Ben Franklin?

Reading thru many biographies, it's amazing how many people that you would certainly consider "Gentlemen" used to be early risers
(and deductively early to go to bed)

what are your habits?

At what time do you get up?
At what time do you hit the sack?

and does it matter at all in a larger "gentleman" definition?

(somehow I cannot see a gentleman going to bed at 03.00 and waking up at 11.30)


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I usualy go to bed at 10pm-11pm and I'm up at 6am every day. I just can't sleep in the morning.
My ability to get up early isn't so much a matter of time as a matter of light or dark -- e.g. if it's light out and 6:30 I wake fairly easy but if it's 7:00 and dark I have a hard time getting up.
Like to wake up at 5am in the morning.

Just got into the habit years ago.

I do my best to get to bed at 9pm.

Getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is good for your health.
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I go to bed about 11 pm and get up at 530 am. I definitely need to get to bed earlier though, as I am usually dragging all day.
I have two German Shepherds that wake me EVERY morning at 6 AM sharp. If I do not stir promptly they will continue to nuzzle my arm until I get up. "Hey Dad it's time to walk and then time for breakfast!"

Usually to bed around 10 PM and read until I can't keep my eyes open. If I am engrossed in a good book, sometimes it is well after midnight before lights out.
My ability to get up early isn't so much a matter of time as a matter of light or dark -- e.g. if it's light out and 6:30 I wake fairly easy but if it's 7:00 and dark I have a hard time getting up.

I'm the same. The cold, frigid weather doesn't help either...
You guys are lucky... Seem like I'm out by about 10:30 and up at about 1:30 or 2:00 for about 2 or 3 hours then try and salvage a wink or two until the alarm goes off at 6:30. Falling asleep is not the issue for me it is the middle of the night wake up, mind racing and once the adrenaline kicks in I'm screwed. Usually get up and read, watch TV, catch up on B&B or whatever until I think I can go back and talk my mind into sleeping! It sucks!
When I was working, in bed by 10:00, up by 5:45.

With my current situation, more like 10:40 to 7:30.

- Chris
Depends alot on work but I'd say in bed about 11:30-12 and awake about 6:45. I sometimes go for a few months on less and sometimes on more.
In the summer months when I am working between 8 and 10pm then up at 6 am, In the winter when I'm not working well It is 2:40 am now so whenever for now lol
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