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Interesting, but can't say I see the point (of this or the similar e-pipes). The health danger is already reduced with a cigar and pipe since it isn't inhaled. As is the addiction to niciotine.

Both also have a lot of complexicity that would seem to be difficult to reproduce with a flavored juice.

Of course I could be way off base having no experirnce with E products.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I'm so torn. One side of me doesn't see the point just have a cigar. Part of the appeal is being able to sit down for a chunk of time and relax. If I could just walk around puffing on a e-cigar or pipe indiscriminately I think it would take some of the specialness away from that event.

On the other hand if I could walk around indiscriminately smoking an e-pipe that looked like a Brebbia Calabash, and tasted like a well aged Virginia, you bet I would.
Well, I should have stated that I do so love my cigars and pipe,however I find it hard to really be able to enjoy them very often. Every so often (daily) I feel the desire to lite my pipe with some FM or puff a curly head. However as it is at most places....not allowed. and with a little one now, it is getting even harder.
Well, I should have stated that I do so love my cigars and pipe,however I find it hard to really be able to enjoy them very often. Every so often (daily) I feel the desire to lite my pipe with some FM or puff a curly head. However as it is at most places....not allowed. and with a little one now, it is getting even harder.

I am an outcast because of smoking. Huddled on my porch. I totally understand.
Well after letting curiosity get the better of me I decided to try one. It is alled totally wicked and is good for about 1800 puffs. I gotta say, there is not a dang thing that beats the real thing but this does scratch the itch when needed. I plan on trying one by ROK here soon and will give a full report.

The totally wicked has a very mellow flavor of vanilla and is very mild, almost to mild.
Personally I think this idea is rather, how do I put this, stupid. It is a single use item, which in my eyes is extremely wasteful. It is clunky, and less adaptable than other vapour systems.
If I want a cigar, I will smoke a cigar. Same with pipe. The only reason I use a vaping system is so I don't use snus or cigarettes anymore, plus I can use it inside.
Haven't looked into it at all. Sounds like a solution looking for a problem. I'm not sure there is a cigar smoker I know that would make this transition.

A vaping device can present pipe, cigar, or other tobacco flavors as well as a myriad of other tastes - divorce your mind from the delivery format and concentrate on taste - then you are good to go.
Well I have had my 1 e cigar and it kinda tastes like a combo of vanilla, mint and plastic. Not overly impressed but I would be willing to try something different. I am not trying to replace my beloved cigars or FM. However i do at times have an itch to scratch.
Cigars are smelly and disgusting, not mention unhealthful.

If you take away those attributes, there's nothing left to enjoy about them.

I don't smoke much or often, but I prefer to enjoy my bad habits in the traditional manner.

Just one guy's opinion.
I think it's best to divorce the idea of ever achieving a flavor even close to the original with e-cigs/pipes/cigars. You just can't get that flavor of combustion and burning tobacco leaf in e-juice. At best, you'll get a little bit of what an aromatic pipe tobacco smells like in the tin. The best "tobacco" e-juice I've had tasted like a mixture between tobacco and graham crackers.
let me first say I am not a cigarette smoker, just cigars and pipes. However I decided to try a puff off of my friends e-cig and asked myself....do they make E-cigars. Well,a quick google search and I cam up with this http://www.veppocig.com/electronic-cigars/

Just wondering, has anyone looked into this at all?

There are a lot of reasons people switch over to ecigars some include time, smell, don't want to go outside in the cold. But regardless of the reasons they are out there, some are absolutely awful others not so bad. Try antonio Villard. The epipes are interesting they make some good Cavendish blends but they are expensive
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