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duke 2 vs. duke 3

If you had a duke 2 & a duke 3 both in best, which one would you keep and which would you get rid of.
I am primarily a faced latherer but sometimes use a bowl.
Thanks for any input, I just can't decide and it's wasteful to keep both especially since I really enjoy my boars.....
I would keep my duke 2, It is a little smaller and will suit both your needs of face lathering and the odd bowl. I don't have the biggest hands though so maybe it doesn't seem as large to you. If need be I am happy to hold onto the duke 3 for you until you decide
Only had the Duke 3, and I love it. Size is perfect. Any smaller or bigger would be weird. Super dense knot. Good backbone.


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I have had both and sold both. But if I was going to keep one of them, then 3 is the one you want.

The 2 was too small for face and way too small for bowl lathering.

Now I use the Duke 4 in 2 band. $30 for a 404 (or less), $25 for a knot, 30min of work. So for under $60 you could have a Vulfix/Simpson Handle and better suited knot for face lathering and quality is just as good.

Widened the hole to about 25.5mm to allow for a bit of splay (thanks edgerunner for the tip) and drilled down with a flat bottom dremel piece.

I liked the look of a few other guys brushes, and the Tulip brush, that have a bit of a flat top ridge, so I decided to give mine just a smidgen of that effect by rubbing on a flat super fine sanding pad, then polishing with a higher grade.

It's about 24.5/50 with a TGN XH Finest Fan

Here are some side by sides with my old D3. It got sold after I made this one and I have no regrets.

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Great looking brush Bruce!
I appreciate everyone's opinion. I'm still deciding so keep em coming.
I decided to keep the duke 3. I put the Duke 2 up on the BST yesterday. Thanks for everyone's input!
Ive been torn between the Simpson Dukes also.

In the end i bought a Chubby 1 and ive really taken to this brush. However i still want a 2nd brush and between the Duke 2 & 3, having now had some time and use with the Chubby 1 i now believe the Duke 3 would be a better size then the Duke 2.

Had both and kept the 2, IMO one of the iconic brushes. Something about it just feels right, for me the perfect combination of size, weight, and knot loft. One of the absolute best face latherers out there.
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