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DR Harris Arlington Soap - What a niff!

I've read some good things about the smell of this stuff but to me it smelled cheap and nasty. You know how sometimes the olfactory senses can pick up on something and make you momentarily travel back in time - well upon getting a huff of this for the first time I was transported back to primary school - I think it was the smell of the hand-soap used there but I'm not sure. Maybe that hand-soap or whatever it was that smelled of Arlington back in the day was actually a quality scent, but now I see it as a bad thing as it's associated with primary school, which maybe I really did not like that much.

....or maybe DR Harris Arlington really does smell bad.
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Mine smells good. Lathers well too.

Pick up some Pinaud Lilac Vegetal. guaranteed to cover the smell of any shave soap or cream :001_smile
I've only used the aftershave but I've heard the scent is almost identical. I know what you mean-- that initial citrus-y punch can invoke a whole range of bad associations. Dish detergent, laundry soap, urinal pucks.. But luckily the first thing that popped into my mind when I smelled it was "lemondrop" and since then it's the lingering scent that sticks out more for me.
Early negative associations are hard to overcome. Probably best to move on. (That'll be $200, please. I take all insurance. :biggrin:)
IMHO D.R. harris doesnt make a single bad smelling soap. All of them are so clean and fresh smelling, to me. I guess if I had to get rid of one it would be Marlborough. Not thats its bad, but probably my least fave. Still soaps up great!

Just bought Windsor Body wash, and Windsor aftershave. i just LOve that scent!
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For me it would be the almond. Mine develops a weird ozoney type smell after a few uses. If you leave it for a year or so, the first few shaves afterwards smell fine but then the strangeness returns.
My Arlington needed a couple of uses before the scent came out really good. The first uses it was just a bit citrussy and not classy at all. Later the fern came in too and the combination is just great. I still prefer the Almond though.
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