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Dovo Replacement Scales

So, I'm hoping this is the right forum, if it isn't, I apologize.

I've got a Wade and Butcher Bow and a Wostenholm Pipe on my desk... Both have been there for quite a while, awaiting a rescale... Well, I'm tired of waiting, and don't have the funds for two full rescales (customs, that is) from one of this forum's many artists... So, I'm eying the Dovo replacement scales... However, I've never used a Dovo Replacement scale (except for once, on a 5/8 full hollow, but I forgot to measure the scales then, and that was quite a while ago)

If anyone has either the Dovo Pakkawood scales, or the Micarta ones (those are the two versions I'm looking at) and could measure them for me, I'd really appreciate it...

The two blades measure:
Wostenholm Pipe: Exactly 5.5 inches from tip to tip, and 4.5 inches from pivot hole to point. The blade is a hair under 6/8, and full-3/4 hollow. the spine is .5cm across.

Wade and Butcher Bow: Exactly 5.5 inches from tip to tip, 4.5 inches from pivot hole to point, a hair under 6/8, and just a litle more than half hollow (not quite 3/4 though). The spine is .65cm across.

It's scary how similar these two are, even the etches on the blade and tang look like they were made together! The only difference is a Pipe versus a Bow. That's why I'm getting them matching scales.

So, if anyone has the Dovo Micarta scales, or the Pakkawood, would those blades fit them?

(For what it's worth, ClassicShaving says they'll hold 5/8 or 6/8 blades but I'd rather be positive that it'll work, rather than drop 50-60 dollars on a maybe.)

I've bought a few sets of replacement scales but all mine have been Thiers Issard ones from Classic Shaving. I've never bothered to measure the length, only the width of a blade. The scales I buy are suitable for a 4/8, 5/8 and 6/8 blade which covers off most. I've put a 6/8 blade (Puma) in TI scales and it fitted nicely.
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I've used a lot of the TI ones too, Mostly for larger blades (I've got 6, 7 and 8 /8 in them)

I got the measurements, the Dovo's will work, but the micarta's are thick/bulky so I went for the Green and Undyed pakkawood
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