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Dovo#55 or Wacker double razor set

I'll be selling a nice razor to fund this purchase.

Are these vintage dovo#55 razors all that and a bag of chips? I may be able to get one.
I already have a french point 1/4 grind wacker and it is a beast of a shaver. I have thought of getting the set that has a round wedge and a spanish 1/4 grind.

What is the call guys? Name me some other killer crazy shavers in the $400 range.
It's entirely personal preference in that price range.

Shaving shop usually has a nice selection of large blades, so if you have cash to burn that is a good place to look.

Then again, with that pricetag, you are nearly entering custom territory.
I am not aware of any customs in this range. They all seem to be around $600.

Plus for the price I would be getting 2 razors. If I got the dovo I could also afford the W&B for about $85 and still spend the same amount.
I scored a 55 from Vintage when they where running a special + free shipping; this was before Max worked his magic to redo the remaining stock, so mine came with the original Dovo scales. The one I got is closer to being a full 8/8.

Nonetheless, it is a nice steel. It was the first razor that I got to shave squeegee smooth, me myself honing it, so that means it's easy to hone :biggrin1:. The wide blade though took a bit of getting used to, it put a big 'ol slice on my pristine TM after 6 months then of relatively trouble free stropping.

They look really good with those honey horn scales don't they?
I have one of the Dovo 55 blades that Max rescaled. It is wonderful blade and nice shaver. Max's scale work is truly outstanding. However, I think you can get some customs at close to the same price. Shavingshop had some RWs for a little over $400. I also saw on classicshaving the other day that they had some Harner customs. A couple of the lower priced ones were in the $480 range. I would probably throw in the extra money and get a custom. That said I did pick up the Dovo 55 (as I already had a custom RW) and I have not been disappointed with the purchase.
I bought one from Vintage a week ago or so and when I opened the blue box I about died looking at that huge (to me) blade.
Picture did not come close to showing me how wide it was and i have not measured it myself. It was re-scaled in ivory. It does not close perfectly in the center otherwise its great but then again its my first razor honed by anyone else, this one done by Lynne Abrams. 6 shaves and have not stropped. Would it be better strop now or wait till it starts pulling??
It seems generally adivsed to strop before every shave, but if you are happy with your shaves and uncertain about your stropping technique, you may want to practice stropping a different blade so you don't damage the edge.
I have one other razor and 2 very inexpensive strops I learned on- did a bit of nicking along the way. It is a much smaller blade, W R Case razor.
I just didn't want to run this new Dovo over these strops unless I really HAD to do so. I normally stropped the other razor before and after each use. One thing I can not get my head around is some strops are not smooth, have grain one can feel- Just do not get how these can be good for the edge of a Str8 so I avoid them and await the TM strop.
I have been amazed the Dovo has shaved sooo well after 6 shaves without anything then I read this thread and he hasn't done anything in almost 9 months- WOW, that is a feat I will not even try to equal.
jim used to have some with engraving too, like this

I've not yet decided on keeping it due to the size, which is a bit too much for my taste, so it's still in the original scales.
That is about the size of mine for sure though mine does not have any engraving- It is something to get ones head around fo sho. Time will tell.
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