Recently purchased a Merkur 39C. I prefer some heft in my DE's and the barber pole handle is very nice looking. I've read a lot about the slant and admittedly it does appear to be rather menacing. I had my first shave today. Same shower set up, wash with Mr. Glo and bowl lathered QCS Irish Tweed. I'm a new cold water shave convert so followed that protocol. I started with some hesitation out of respect but quickly began shaving as I would any other DE. Paid no special attention to the blade. I immediately knew this was something special. After the first pass I saw what a great job it was doing. I decided to do my usual XTG and ATG and forego any touch up to see what it left behind. I think it did an amazing job and what was missed was minimal. It really is a mild razor. I think the stigma is is undeserved. But I will no doubt capitalize on it's rep and shark like look and grin with an... "Oh that thing? Yeah...I shave with that"