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Dominica Bay Rum

I am debating on purchasing this soon. I am strictly a Bay Rum guy. Ogallala Bay Rum at work. Captain's Choice for my evening shaves. Now I need a third to add to my rotation.

The Dominica doesn't linger very long.

I just noticed some people saying it burns. I don't find that it does. If you like the heat you get from Ogallala you won't have any trouble with Dominica, and may be disappointed.

That said, I like Dominica. I love the fragrance even though it is fleeting. It gives me a cool feeling when I splash it on. I don't feel any burn, nor any sting.

The other thing is I usually rinse my hands after applying other aftershaves to remove the sticky or greasy feeling. Also I don't want to rub the stuff in my eye accidently. Not the case with Dominica. It drys and doesn't leave a residue, just the faint fragrance.
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+1. I have the Dominica and Dominica Lime. Great value- BIG bottle for small price. It is slightly less strong and fragrant as compared to Captain's Choice (I like Captain's better). No cloves or cinnamon at all (like Pinaud's VI Bay rum- have to say I like Pinaud's better too). No burn ever for me with Dominica.

You will only have to buy Dominica once in your life- the bottle is soooo big! Used in rotation, I've barely made a dent in it. I like it, but less so than Pinaud's or Captain's. Nothing wrong with Dominica, I just prefer the others.
Dominica is my Bay Rum of choice. I like it so much I just ordered a bottle of the Lime from WCS. As said above, no residue left behind, and the fragrance is fleeting, which I like. And the burn is pleasant, too.

#1 In bay rums,truly a pure bay scent ,with no culinary spices such as cinnamon or cloves...best buy is Superior 70..cheap,but really good !
I think Dominica may be one of the great values to be found across all the categories discussed here. Clean, simple, and high-quality. Having not tried the others I can't compare them, but happy to give a standalone endorsement.
I love Dominica bay rum. The scent lasts quite a while on my
skin, though I tend to apply it liberally.

I'm a bay rum nut. I've only found one I just don't care for. SWMBO loves it on me. At a local flea market the other day she found a bottle of Dominica, nearly full. She picked it up for me, paid....,,,ten cents. One whole dime.
So we have one "scent doesn't last long" and one "the scent lasts long." It's a tie!!! Gotta love the "YMMV" thing. :biggrin1:

I'm going to have to give Dominica a try. Well, I guess it's more than a try. If it's Bay Rum it gets added to the collection. :thumbup1:
So we have one "scent doesn't last long" and one "the scent lasts long." It's a tie!!! Gotta love the "YMMV" thing. :biggrin1:

I'm going to have to give Dominica a try. Well, I guess it's more than a try. If it's Bay Rum it gets added to the collection. :thumbup1:

That and some say it burns and some say not.
Its the only bay rum I've used, but 4 bottles later I'm still very pleased with it and it hasn't given me a reason to try any others. Atleast any other bay rums...
I've got a bottle and honestly don't use it that often. I prefer the Captain's lineup over this one. Not enough burn/lime scent for me. It is nice but not my "go-to" AS.
For some reason I am obligated to have one of every bay rum out there. :wink2:

I got a bottle from WCS recently because they had some of the NOS original shaped bottle with "shoulders" to it.
Dominica is the best bay rum I've come across, and one of the few that doesn't leave me smelling like I spent way too much time in a candle store. I absolutely love the original scent, but the lime really gets my motor running. It's the perfect spring/summer aftershave. Speaking of the "shoulder" bottle with the cork stopper, Dominica's US importer (California Antilles Trading) is offering some of that stock in both scents for $25 shipped. Might be worth a look if you prefer the older packaging.
I like the Lime version a lot, but it's almost more of a toner to my mind. No moisturizing or healing to speak of. I don't think it holds a candle to Captain's Choice as an AS. I like to splash it on later in the day in the summertime.

I'll will use it as an AS but chase it with a balm on those occasions.
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