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Does the Gillette Super Adjustable have the 1/4 turn lock?

I own a Gillette Super Adjustable. It is in very great condition, but doesn't seem to have the last 1/4 turn lock that the Fatboy, and Slim have. Is it supposed to have this feature?

I have tried boiling it, to free up gunk, but it is still lacking the 1/4 turn to lock.

This is a 1970 model, that is solid steel construction. It doesn't have the plastic bottom plate as the later models do.

If this is supposed to have the 1/4 turn lock, anyone have best suggestions for cleaning it? Are there any dissemble instructions?

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My extra long SA has the 1/4 turn lock down so your SA should too.
I read here the the adjustable have the lock down feature that the non adjustable TTOs don't because they have a spring in the barrel.
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