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Does anyone know anything about this Razor

I have recently obtained an interesting Razor and was wondering if anyone could provide any information about this razor.
As you simply screw the handle into the top art of the razor, the razor in itself simply moves up and down. Slide the bottom piece down, the head pivots to allow the razor to slide forward into the slots and becomes fixed - ready to shave.
This is a Valet Auto Strop. It came with a piece of leather that the blade would be stropped on using the mechanism in the head. Unfortunately, the blades for this razor are no longer in production, though.
The razor blade in itself is interesting. Unlike normal Single Edge razors where you have a thicker bottom edge, the blade for this one is one single thin piece with one edge sharpened.

Also, interesting the text below the razor blade (on the razor itself holding the blade) is the words: "Auto Strop Safty Razor Co. New York USA"
I have the original case (as pictured). There is no piece of leather with this. My Dad does have on of the cases with the leather piece built in with an auto stropping system. This doesn't have the leather or the stropping mechanism.

Makes me wonder though if (as the blade turns back and forth) as it may be made for that type of unit; but this is a travel case. . . . Don't know myself. That is why I was offering other thoughts.

Dave to the rescue!!!

I would suggest you try it at least once :thumbsup: It's a bit of extra effort, but provides a great shave

EDIT: you've inspired me to give mine another run today :D
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This is a Valet Auto Strop. It came with a piece of leather that the blade would be stropped on using the mechanism in the head. Unfortunately, the blades for this razor are no longer in production, though.

Correct. This is a Valet Auto Strop. The strop was packaged in a box separate from the main case for the razor. The gears/ rollers in the head is where the strop wold go. When the razor is in the open position, the blade is free to pivot back, and forth as it is stropped on the leather.

Blades are no longer made for this razor, but NOS blades do show up on E-Bay. They require a lot of work to make usable though.

Also, some of the Valet Auto Strops can be made to work with standard blades that have been heavily modified.

It's a usable razor, if you are really determined to do so.
we are looking to premote use of this razor i dount think thier is away to date the razor any closer then buy modal your model is model c pre 1928
Auto Strop seemed to have missed the boat on the Gillette Business model where you either give them the razor or sell it for a low price then sell them blades forever.
There were numerous razors sold back in the day with built in honing, stropping or sharpening systems.
Besides the Auto Strop there was the "Shake Sharp" "Ronson" and probably numerous others.
They have all been relegated to the dust bin of history, solutions to problems that didn't exist.
Why waste time sharpening blades when you could buy new sharp blades for a low price.
The sharpening systems also made for a complex, expensive, head heavy razor that wasn't as nimble as the existing DE razors produced by Gillette.
I have the 3 mentioned above in my Odd Ball Razor display along with the Stahly.
The Auto-Strop pictured in this thread balances no closer to the head than seveal other DE/SE razors and the mechanism for stropping is no more complex than Gillette's TTO or closeness adjustment (look to the Merkur Progress for a vastly simpler way to acheive adjustability!)
SE blades being 50% thicker and having a larger angle grind bevel could probably be stropped back to usability longer than thin DE blades...

Gillette actually purchased the assets of Auto-Strop (AS had a patent infringement suit over blades against Gillette) so it's just that old business axiom "If you can't beat 'em, BUY 'em":001_smile

The earlier razors can use easily modified blades (per DIrving's video) and , like many other SE products out there, are plentiful and inexpensive:001_smile
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