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Does anyone else...

think about what soap/cream, blades, razors, etc...they are going to use the next time they shave? I find myself laying in bed at night thinking about what I am going to use the next morning.
think about what soap/cream, blades, razors, etc...they are going to use the next time they shave? I find myself laying in bed at night thinking about what I am going to use the next morning.
Guilty! Particularly as I have picked up some new soaps to try; feel like a kid at Xmas time in anticipation of the next day's shave.

Strange? Probably. Least it sounds as if I'm not alone!:001_smile
Yep! Right now I'm wondering why my futur with a bluebird blade didn't give me a good shave this morning. Should I have used an astra blade? Or gone with the red tip and the bluebird?
The mail doesn't get to my house until about 2pm and UPS and FedEx until about 5pm. Whenever I get any goodies I usually have a 15-18 hour wait until I actually use them....talk about anticipation!
I've started to make a schedule of what razor/brush/cream or soap combinations I'm going to use. I plan three shaves out.

I started doing this because there are various razors, brushes, creams and soaps that I haven't used in a while and I while I remember liking them fine, I wondered if my tastes haven't changed, or if the stuff I'm drawn to now isn't just plain better, or (for the soaps and creams) if they're gone bad, etc., etc., etc....
No. I have solved that problem by using a rotation of soaps and creams. That way I no longer have to worry about what to use next. Currently I am using two soaps (MWF and Mama Bear unscented), and a number of creams: TH Ultimate Comfort, Proraso, Palmolive, and Godrej. I start with one and worked through the rotation. Takes the guess work and worry out of the equation.
All the time! Just started by acquiring soaps, creams, etc., and I'm still going through a blade pack sampler. Just about every night, before going to bed, I set everything up for tomorrow's shave, then think about it for a while after I'm in bed.
Count me in as well. Every night as I brush my teeth, I take a quick survey to see what mood or cream/soap I think I will be in in the morning. Everything is laid out to go for after my shower in the morning. Often check with TWGW to see if she has a preference for the day. Gotta keep her happy too.:001_cool:
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