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Doctor Who

We are a little behind the times here in the colonies. I am looking forward to seeing the 11th Doctor this weekend on BBC America. The UK is already into week three of this season (#31?).

I watched this show when I was a teenager in the early 70's. Hunched over a 14" black & white TV watching the good Doctor battle the Daleks, the Autons, the Cybermen, and a whole bunch of nasty things on PBS every Saturday night.

The resurrection of the series in 2005 has been fantastic and I will miss David Tenent. I saw a 9-min section of the series opener on I-Tiunes today (Free!) and was impressed. I have not seen a Doctor I did not like and this one will fit in quite well. Matt Smith will be a great Doctor!

If you have never seen the show this is a great opportunity, This Saturday evening on BBC America!
The original Dr. Who is one of the old British shows I grew up watching,
along-side Monty Python, Benny Hill and Red Dwarf.
I am Whoish....been a fan since the early 70's...long live the Doctor

I think the fan boys call themselves Whovians!

I still remember watching the very first episode with William Hartnell, hiding behind the sofa when the monsters appeared.

The third episode of the new Doctor is on telly this coming Saturday. I rather like the guy and his assistant is worth a look too! Especially wearing the policewoman's uniform!

The two stories so far haven't been that good though in my opinion. The first one was to introduce the new characters of course but the second was a bit odd!

I'm sure it will get into its stride soon though. All new doctors take a few episodes to get going.

I did like the first one as I recognised the village he landed in. It was Llandaff village in Cardiff, South Wales, next to the cathedral and I was born and bred a few hundred yards away! It was there I was a member of the rugby club and there I was thrown out of the scouts after three weeks!

We've been catching up from the 2005 return of the Doctor with Netflix. We've also been watching the Torchwood spinoff (which, btw, is terrible).

The next series isn't available yet, but I've been on the lookout for it to become so.
My opinion was quite the opposite - I really liked Torchwood.

We've been catching up from the 2005 return of the Doctor with Netflix. We've also been watching the Torchwood spinoff (which, btw, is terrible).

The next series isn't available yet, but I've been on the lookout for it to become so.
A big fan since I was somehow (in the US) aware of the Doctor in my younger days, but then got really hooked while living in the UK for a few years in the early '90s. The new shows have been fantastic in my book, even with the potential objections everywhere. I've finally given up worrying about "the new Doctor" each time, there's just always something to like.

EXCEPT ... looks like I'm out of luck. I don't get or plan to get BBC Anericca and there is no mention of a new season on SciFi. Guess I may be out of luck until it rolls on Netflix. It looks like Saturday will be a great evening showing the "Ultimate" guide and the new series. Too bad for me.

One of the many reasons I got Netflix was to watch old shows and Dr Who was certainly at the top of the list. I've only seen Torchwood there and do enjoy it. I've not seen any other Sara Jane Adventures but look forward to some time. And of course the older shows.

So watch it if you've got it, I'll be envying you. Keep us informed what you think ...
I think the fan boys call themselves Whovians!

I still remember watching the very first episode with William Hartnell, hiding behind the sofa when the monsters appeared.


I thought the first episode was "An Unearthly Child". Living in the Tardis in a junkyard and the granddaughters teachers became suspicious because of her knowledge and followed her.
I thought the first episode was "An Unearthly Child". Living in the Tardis in a junkyard and the granddaughters teachers became suspicious because of her knowledge and followed her.

It was. I seem to remember that the next story was a stone age job then the real baddies appeared soon after! Those were the days when you could escape the Daleks by going up a step!

I remember when the Daleks came to Cardiff (I think Terry Nation who invented them was a Cardiffian) and I went along to watch. They only had about three if I remember and they came along the road heading for the town centre, Queen Street. Back then they were moved by the operator inside sort of scuffing along with his feet. As they got to the railway bridge at the start of the road they hit a dip in the road that was there to allow high vehicles to get under the bridge. They didn't have brakes!

They built up speed and ended up in a pile at the bottom of the dip with legs stuck out all directions underneath!

Funny the things you remember from all those years ago!

Years later when Tom Baker was the Doctor, my young son nearly killed him. He was doing book signings at a town centre department store and my lad wanted an autograph. He was only little and Yom hadn't seen him when he marched off to another part of the store with my son giving chase. As he went down some stairs, my son close behind accidently stepped on the end of that scarf and the good Doctor nearly came a cropper! My son got his autograph!:lol:

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