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Do you wish you were famous?

I am always interested in whether or not people would choose to be famous if given the chance. And I don't mean famous like you get a walk on movie roll or a T.V. commercial , but all out famous and everything that goes with it; money, attention, fans, and the paparazzi. I for one would not handle it well (well maybe the money). I value my privacy and being approached by people constantly asking for autographs and having cameras stalk me would make me lose my mind...but some people find it appealing...go figure? The floor is now open, how may wetshavers out their wish they were famous?
I like folks not knowing I'm the 5th member from KISS:a5::punk:

In all seriousness, I love my life. I have what I want (except for a Chandler Straight, man do I want one of those) and wouldn't trade it for anything.
In my younger days I was a DJ and got to meet and spend time with "famous" people. For the most part, they had no life. They controlled little of their schedule. They were told what to do and where to be. No thanks. I'll keep my life private. But I would like the money. There was one exception. Michael Martin Murphy. Down to earth and very ordinary. Just happened to wear EXPENSIVE boots!

famous no.
but i won the lottery & michael jackson's monkey bubbles now shaves me every day. is that famous?
Work for an all-girls private school in Japan and you'll have at least some idea of what's it like to be famous. :001_tongu

I jest, I jest

(though only slightly)
I live in a small town and I am about as "famous" as a person can get around these parts being just well known and involved with the local gov't etc. for all these years. Even on that microscopic scale I cannot go out to eat locally without expecting people to come up to me and say hello or ask a thousand questions/give me their opinions so alot of times I travel to places where I am NOT well known to eat.
If a person were truly famous on a worldwide or national scale they would have a scant chance of ever escaping for dinner so......NO I would not like nor want that.
Famous no, rich yes. Fame can be a real *****. I have a brother-in-law that is finding that out now, and he is only locally famous.
id want to be very well known but lay low. i like my personal life staying that way. hard to do when youre famous, but it can be done to a certain extent.
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