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Do you really *want* to make converts? Why?

There have been threads around here about "converting" people to classic shaving methods, getting them to try DE razors, or perhaps just getting them to use a soap and brush instead of canned foam or gel. Some of us report more converts than others. I haven't persuaded anyone to take up traditional wetshaving, but then, I haven't tried very hard.

I've discussed the subject with my two best friends. One is perfectly happy with his twin blade cartridges and canned whatever. He would prefer to grow a beard, but his wife is having none of that, for now. The other doesn't much like shaving, and uses an electric, but thinks I'm nuts to use those "old dangerous razors that everyone knows don't shave as well". Not really worth pursuing the matter.

Approaching this from a different angle, do you actually want to make converts? If so, why?

Do you just want to help specific friends or relatives to do better when you see that they are unhappy with their current shaving methods? Do you want to help people in general, even if you don't know them that well?

Is it the simple pleasure we all take in promoting our own opinions? No shame in that, it's very human to want to persuade other people that we know better, or have a better way.

Do you think that classic wetshaving is "greener", and that you'll be helping the environment somehow?

Perhaps we want to stick it to those big heartless corporations who bring out a new proprietary cartridge every few years at ever higher prices

Maybe we just want to see wetshaving survive, and would like to see our favorite razors and blades continue to be available for many more years.

Is it all of these, some of them, or something else that I'm just not thinking of?

Just asking, and not criticizing.. Much as I enjoy discussing all aspects of shaving here, I'm curiously uninterested in pursuing it with my real life friends and acquaintances.. They all seem happy enough with their stubbly, sometimes irritated condition, and I've seen too many eyes glaze over when I start talking about my hobbies to keep it up for very long.
FWIW, I feel like I've found something that's a little bit unique and I'd like to share it with people I know.

And yes, it's nice to stick it to the big companies every so often.

- ice
I have tried to talk to a few coworkers and friends about traditional shaving, but they all seem satisfied with what they are using now. Maybe it is presumptuous of me to believe that my way is the better way. YMMV applies to them, too.
For what it's worth, I've tried some evangelizing of the same kind with film photography against digital (I also exist at apug.org). Same batttles: old v. new, better v. "better", easier v. craftier, etc.

In the end, it's an uphill battle if you see it as a "mission to convert." There's a reason why the modern technology is the dominant one. It's because it's modern. Therefore, it must dominate. See?

We still live in a linear, positivist logic of progress with respect to manufactured goods. Latest MUST equal greatest, since after all we can only progress, not regress. People do not have a best quality approach towards things, they have instead a "most efficient" logic.

Now, of course, everyone will say "efficient" is a relative term, so I don't want to say that DE/straight shaving is REALLY more/less efficient than the cartridge-of-the-day stuff. What I'm saying is that people PERCEIVE the easily available stuff as more efficient, quicker, more reliable, foolproof, easy to get, etc. since it's the most recent, and modern stuff.

Unless we get to our senses and stop believing in a linear notion of progress, you will never see DE shaving as the dominant form. Heck, people don't even cook anymore: specials in grocery stores nowadays are only for frozen meals!
If someone started discussing his/her bathroom and grooming habits with me at work or a party, I'd leave.

If someone is complaining about their shave or sees my stuff on the counter and asks about it, that's one thing. Bringing up shaving on your own, let alone trying to convert someone, crosses the line IMO.
If someone started discussing his/her bathroom and grooming habits with me at work or a party, I'd leave.

Shaving has never, and I mean NEVER come up as a normal topic of conversation among my friends.

...Heck, people don't even cook anymore: specials in grocery stores nowadays are only for frozen meals!

I bought pizza crust mix, a can of pizza sauce, and a block of mozarella at the grocery store a while back, and the 20ish cashier exclaimed You're going to make pizza from scratch?!?

I really wanted to say "No, Sweetie. If I was making it from scratch I would be buying flour, eggs, yeast, and 2 dozen tomatoes."
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I don't usually bring up my grooming habits unless someone sees my my bathroom and asks me about it.

Grooming isn't something that comes up as part of my normal conversation with my friends/coworkers.

but if someone I knew was interested to learn, I would dispense my knowledge to them.

I've partially converted my dad to use a brush and soap but he still uses his trusty mach3 cart.
Just the simple pleasure we all take in promoting our own opinions, for me. I don't make a habit to bring up my grooming habits. But so far, one week in to the adventure, I have told several people about wetshaving after they remarked on the quality of my shave.
We had a pipe burst in our shower and a neighbor/handyman came by to take a look at it. When he walked into the bathroom he saw a half dozen or so of my razors hanging behind the sink. He asked if they were for decoration. :lol: I might understand that if we were rich, but we live in a trailer park in a singlewide. :p

Anyhoo, he put in about 3 hours work, so I hooked him up with a choice of two techs and choice between a Tweezerman and FS finest. (He picked the Ball End Tech over the Fat handle, and the FS, which suited me just fine.) I also gave him a puck of VDH and showed him how to lather. He was super excited to get a razor like his grandpa used to have! And I was glad to get out of paying for repairs, and of course help a guy get started in wetshaving. :p
I just think that its a better way to shave. I have brought it up to people mostly when I'm looking at B & B at work and they notice it. Family has seen my razors and asked about it so I showed them. I kinda feel like people are getting ripped off buying cartridge razors when they can get a razor that will last last them for years and a buttload of razors for maybe half the cost of a year of cartridge shaving.
I'm never going to force wet shaving into a conversation, but I enjoy offering family and close friends a chance to try if they seem interested. It would give us something else to talk about and also keep an old fashioned tradition alive. Those are my main thoughts about making converts.
The only people who I have talked to about it ( not sure it was trying to convert them ) is at work and that only happened because I was on ClassicShaving looking at the Hart's and they asked me if I really planned on using that thing. The discussion went from there.
I'm not interested in "converts", either.

However, I'd like to give my sons an opportunity to see why I enjoy wet shaving and give it a try.

(Of course, they might then understand why a puck of Tabac would make a great Christmas gift...)

Other than that...if someone asks or the topic comes up I'll probably enthuse a bit and maybe say, "you ought to give it a try." Otherwise...let them find it themselves.
Well truthfully I have converted a few people. However, I did not get in there face or even start the conversation with them. I would be using my Super Speed, GEM featherweight, or Injector at the gym. I would get some folks to just rock there head like I'm an idiot of sorts but it does not phase me in the least. Some folks which fall in the converted group have apporached me and than I would open up. Soon after they would see me and say that they found a DE razor from dad or grand dad.. I would tell about B&B and mantic59 on the tube. I would also direct them to the great vendors that I have purchased blades from via this site. I think that it's a greener objective. How many landfills are needed to cater to both men and women in this continent? If you we would get the world back on the SE/DE/Injector or Straight would we need to make/pollute to create plastic disposable handles and carts? and where do they go? Just my ruminations as alway YMMV applies.:thumbup1:
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Interesting perspective. I'd like to hear about how you were approached, what your initial reaction was, etc. Could be an enlightening story.

Not necessarily enlightening, but I think it has a lot to do with the personality of who you approach. For me my roomate and good friend has been shaving with a straight blade and brush for about two years now. I never thought much about it until one day about two month ago he told me to try it. That was pretty much all she wrote.

Given it was not the greatest shave ever for me but I like the fact that not only am I getting a better shave, and because of the meticulous care much better skin health, but I'm actually enjoying it instead of looking at it like a chore/hassle. I chose D/E razors instead of a straight because of the maintenance aspect and we have actually been swapping D/E razors and blades finding what works best. When it comes to cost effectiveness it's all BS to me. As a guy that has the habit of changing/modifying about anything I own I didn't stand a chance. I do enjoy I have something to show for my purchases though as instead of $30 for a cartridge set up and $20 in refills per month, I've got a shelf in the medicine cabinet full of variety in the form of a few razors, a hundred or so blades, a few creams, and a brush and I have maybe spent $80.
Over the weekend I asked my son (almost 17 years of age) if he wanted to try shaving with a DE. He had just cut himself with an Atra.:lol: "I'd probably kill myself," was all he said.
I was converted by my dad, in 1960 he gave me a tech and told me to get that damn peach fuzz off my face

I don't think I have discussed it with anyone since

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