There have been threads around here about "converting" people to classic shaving methods, getting them to try DE razors, or perhaps just getting them to use a soap and brush instead of canned foam or gel. Some of us report more converts than others. I haven't persuaded anyone to take up traditional wetshaving, but then, I haven't tried very hard.
I've discussed the subject with my two best friends. One is perfectly happy with his twin blade cartridges and canned whatever. He would prefer to grow a beard, but his wife is having none of that, for now. The other doesn't much like shaving, and uses an electric, but thinks I'm nuts to use those "old dangerous razors that everyone knows don't shave as well". Not really worth pursuing the matter.
Approaching this from a different angle, do you actually want to make converts? If so, why?
Do you just want to help specific friends or relatives to do better when you see that they are unhappy with their current shaving methods? Do you want to help people in general, even if you don't know them that well?
Is it the simple pleasure we all take in promoting our own opinions? No shame in that, it's very human to want to persuade other people that we know better, or have a better way.
Do you think that classic wetshaving is "greener", and that you'll be helping the environment somehow?
Perhaps we want to stick it to those big heartless corporations who bring out a new proprietary cartridge every few years at ever higher prices
Maybe we just want to see wetshaving survive, and would like to see our favorite razors and blades continue to be available for many more years.
Is it all of these, some of them, or something else that I'm just not thinking of?
Just asking, and not criticizing.. Much as I enjoy discussing all aspects of shaving here, I'm curiously uninterested in pursuing it with my real life friends and acquaintances.. They all seem happy enough with their stubbly, sometimes irritated condition, and I've seen too many eyes glaze over when I start talking about my hobbies to keep it up for very long.
I've discussed the subject with my two best friends. One is perfectly happy with his twin blade cartridges and canned whatever. He would prefer to grow a beard, but his wife is having none of that, for now. The other doesn't much like shaving, and uses an electric, but thinks I'm nuts to use those "old dangerous razors that everyone knows don't shave as well". Not really worth pursuing the matter.
Approaching this from a different angle, do you actually want to make converts? If so, why?
Do you just want to help specific friends or relatives to do better when you see that they are unhappy with their current shaving methods? Do you want to help people in general, even if you don't know them that well?
Is it the simple pleasure we all take in promoting our own opinions? No shame in that, it's very human to want to persuade other people that we know better, or have a better way.
Do you think that classic wetshaving is "greener", and that you'll be helping the environment somehow?
Perhaps we want to stick it to those big heartless corporations who bring out a new proprietary cartridge every few years at ever higher prices
Maybe we just want to see wetshaving survive, and would like to see our favorite razors and blades continue to be available for many more years.
Is it all of these, some of them, or something else that I'm just not thinking of?
Just asking, and not criticizing.. Much as I enjoy discussing all aspects of shaving here, I'm curiously uninterested in pursuing it with my real life friends and acquaintances.. They all seem happy enough with their stubbly, sometimes irritated condition, and I've seen too many eyes glaze over when I start talking about my hobbies to keep it up for very long.