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Do you actually use the adjustments on adjustables?

I've got two Slims, and a Fatboy that I get good shaves from, but I tend to set them on 4-5 and just leave them that way. I find myself useing my Redtip or ball end Tech most of the time. The adjustable just seem more fragile. Anyway, do you change your setting for differant passes, or just set and forget.
I use the different settings on my Fatboy. I use 8 for for first pass, 5 for second and 2-3 for against the grain. I also only use 2 for my neck regardless of pass. Works for me.
The short answer is "yes." But for me, the adjustments come into play when considering the blade I'm using, and not the pass. I tend to use the same setting for each pass.

The adjustments make a huge difference, especially when you consider that each brand of blade will perform differently. Sometimes the difference is minimal, but sometime it is very significant. Some blades are excellent when they are on a low setting (i.e., low blade exposure) some require a higher setting (i.e., more blade exposure).

By the way, that does not mean that non-adjustable cannot be great. For example, the Red Tip is one of my favorite razors, but being non-adjustable, it will not satisfactorily accommodate as broad a spectrum of different razor blades as an adjustable.
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Starting from my first Gillette Slim in the mid-1960s, when brand new, I tried various settings and finally ended up at a "7" for that one. I was traveling a lot, and put a second Slim in my toiletries bag (never ran across the word "Dopp" until a year ago). It also ended up staying on "7". When the regular length Super Adjustables were brand new, I got one -- I think that I'd temporarily misplaced the oldest Slim during a move. It was different, milder than a Slim, and ended up set at "8".

But once set where I found they worked for me, I never changed them.
I'm generally set and forget for all passes on a given shave. However, I do sometimes dial it down a bit if I want a really quick SAS type shave, and don't want to worry about any chance of weepers. I do this sometime when I'm on travel and am short on time.


Needs milk and a bidet!
i used a Slim for the first time yesterday and set it at 7 for the first pass then 3 for the second. i'll likely continue this when i use it, depending how how many days growth i have to mow
I'm definitely one of those who adjust -- a lot. Different blades seem to do better with different settings, and I sometimes change the initial setting for the 2nd and 3rd shaves. Finally, I tend to adjust my Slim upward (increased blade gap) for my final clean-up passes.
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