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Do QCS Creams Work For Bowl Lathering?

I'm curious about QCS creams. I've seen the suggestion to lather them by using Marco's method for soft soaps: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...?highlight=how+to+lather+an+italian+soft+soap

However, this a face lathering method. I really prefer to bowl lather. Is that possible with QCS creams? If so, what's the best method? Do I load the brush and then lather in the bowl?

It sounds like QCS creams are too hard for scooping out a snurdle like I do with my other creams. I had a lot of trouble with Castle Forbes, partially because I only had a tiny sample and couldn't load the brush from the container, and also because the water here in Chicago is really hard. Am I likely to have similar problems with QCS if I want to bowl lather?

I bowl lather QCS with great results. I both load the brush or use a small spoon to scoop some out and put it in my bowl, it depends upon what brush I'm using. If I scoop some out I poor a little hot water on it. It is soft enough to scoop out with a finger too.
I have been loading the brush in the style you mentioned, and working my lather in a bowl. I just recently got my QCS product, and in trying to keep from gooping up the tubs, I load the cream upside down on the brush. Nice results so far.
I have always purchased QCS samples so I never had the option to load my brush in the container. I too am a bowl latherer. I just scoop a little out with my finger and smear it the best I can at the bottom of my bowl. With a dash of warm water it softens up nice and have no problem whipping up an awesome lather. QCS is top notch. Do not fear purchasing from them as a bowl latherer. You will not be disappointed!
Very rarely do I face-lather QCS. I simply load my brush by swirling it around on top of the cream for 20 to 30 seconds, then build the lather in a bowl like normal. Works fantastic, and because of the clay in its ingredients, it can handle more water than you think. I get fantastic lathers with QCS and a bowl.
I'll either scoop out an almond size dollop into my scuttle and add about a teaspoon of water to it before I shower to soften it up more or, when the tub is lower, I'll swirl the brush in it to load it before making a lather in the scuttle.
I also have been swirling directly from the tub and lathering in a bowl, no problems. I do get enough cream for 2-3 passes after only 5-10 seconds using either an EJ badger or vie long horse and badger blend brush.
QCS works great when bowl lathering. Flick out a little more water than usual so that the brush is drier. Just swirl on top of the croap as if it were a soap and go. Add water a few drops at a time as you build the lather. I've never had a problem with it.
Thanks, everyone!

I've placed my first QCS order for some of the key lime. Sounds like I won't have any trouble with bowl lathering.

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