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Do not try straight shaving... Read this first!

You wanna start straight shaving huh? You think straight razor shaving is "cool"...you think it's going against the "grain"... you think people will think you're "crazy"... Or maybe you think it will save you "money"...
I got somthing to tell you.

Here is my story...

Hi my name is Nitrosnail and I'm a shaveoholic, about a month ago I did it, I bought, a straight razor. It wasn't the
prettiest, or very well maintained for that matter, but it was special, it said so on the shank...Wade & Butcher Special, I purchased the razor from an antique store near my house. I had thought about using a straight razor for a while, I did the normal stuff, you know. Checked the Internet to see what peoples opinions were, what the masses had decided, and I came up with this, If I
were to ever use a straight I would have to, absolutly have to, have a razor made in either Sheffield or Solingen. That said when I found a wade and butcher "made in Sheffield" I bought it 18usd. I took a picture asked some questions and I got a lot of help all from the b&b crew. I had purchased a fairly good razor that needed restoration. Someone on b&b sent me a link to a "how to restore a straight razor" thread... Great, I went to my local hardware stpre and bought all the supplies, wet/dry sand paper, wd40, then I spent about two week to three trying to restore the blade, everyday after work from 6-7/8, on the weekends I searched for a strop and scuttle, and a honing stone at local antique stores. I didn't find any nearby that had these. So I looked further away... I picked up a honing stone, and a not so good strop
So I have finally finished restoring my straight, I restored honed stropped and shaved all with the help of badger and blade members. Is shaving with a straight razor cool, yup, will it save you money yessir, will people think your crazy... Probably. Are you going against the grain, only on your second pass...but if your like me... You did it for the shave.
and now, I spend my nights looking for soaps, balms, oils, razors, waiting to buy a Tony miller, spending two weeks going back and forth on what brush to buy( get a cool handle from an antique store and re bristle it with a golden nub).

Looking in the mirror waiting for my damn stubble to grow so I can shave again.

My name is nitrosnail and I am a shaveoholic.
I love the saving money justification. I tell myself that too as I feed my RAD and spend all my extra cash on shaving stuff. It's a slippery slope but it makes me happy!

Nice post Nitrosnail
You know you're a wet shaver when...

and now, I spend my nights looking for soaps, balms, oils, razors, waiting to buy a Tony miller, spending two weeks going back and forth on what brush to buy( get a cool handle from an antique store and re bristle it with a golden nub).

Looking in the mirror waiting for my damn stubble to grow so I can shave again.

My name is nitrosnail and I am a shaveoholic.

Welcome to the Club
Looking in the mirror waiting for my damn stubble to grow so I can shave again.

I saw a hydrating cream the other day that claimed it "retarded the growth of facial hair" and thought it was disgusting!! Why would anyboby do that, even more time between shaves? Are you nuts???

(...then again, I may tell the old lady downstair about this, she may be interested....)
I love the saving money justification. I tell myself that too as I feed my RAD and spend all my extra cash on shaving stuff. It's a slippery slope but it makes me happy!

Nice post Nitrosnail

Save money? That concept went out the window ~60 straights, 15 hones and countless creams, soaps and aftershaves ago. I gave in and am loving every minute of it!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Good one!

Straight shaving is ... mmm... Addictive...
I'm waiting for my cuts to heal so I can use my str8 again. My wife smiles at me very kindly. She's a good woman, married to a crazy man.
My wife smiles at me very kindly. She's a good woman, married to a crazy man.

I've seen the same look from my girlfriend......especially when she comes in and I'm looking at pictures of my potential first straight that I know I can't actually afford to buy for another few months.
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