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Do blades loose their sharpness in storage?

This might be a strange question but how long do blades stay sharp while in storage? I ordered a sample pack of 100 blades (order hasn't been packaged or shipped yet) and I figure each blade will last about a week so I have about 2 years worth of blades. Do the blades loose their sharpness over time without use and still wrapped up? I'm thinking oxidation and erosion of the edge. I'd hate to do a bulk order once I find the blade I like only to have to throw a bunch of them away because they became dull with age. Thanks.
No. I've stored more than 2,500 blades of various brands for more than 5 years and they're all perfectly fine. As long as they're wrapped and stored in a reasonably moisture-free environment they'll still be usable a hundred years from now.
No. I've stored more than 2,500 blades of various brands for more than 5 years and they're all perfectly fine. As long as they're wrapped and stored in a reasonably moisture-free environment they'll still be usable a hundred years from now.

Cool beans. Thanks raisindot. That's good to know. Now, to find the right blade. :001_smile
blades store well $SchickPlat.jpg.......$3280301050_e26644a388.jpg

people that's another story.......$Celebrities_-_now_and_then_2_12.jpg..................:scared:
This might be a strange question but how long do blades stay sharp while in storage? I ordered a sample pack of 100 blades (order hasn't been packaged or shipped yet) and I figure each blade will last about a week so I have about 2 years worth of blades. Do the blades loose their sharpness over time without use and still wrapped up? I'm thinking oxidation and erosion of the edge. I'd hate to do a bulk order once I find the blade I like only to have to throw a bunch of them away because they became dull with age. Thanks.
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