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DIY shows love 'em or hate 'em

I have a horrible love hate relationship with DIY shows. I love them for the ideas! I hate them for making everyone think that they can do everything themselves!

As an ex pro painter there's nothing I hate more than watching people on these shows paint with 2 hands on the roller and start in the middle of the wall, with no drop cloth on the floor, and probly the skimpiest roller I've ever seen. It drives me nuts because then people at home think that's how your supposed to do it and then they screw up their paint job and call me. Then I have to look at them and say "Sure I can fix this, but it's gonna cost you $xxxx" Then they go "WHAT!?" and I say "well now I have to go and fix everything you did wrong and that takes time and time is money." not exactly in those words but just to illustrate the point. Yes I know they probly have a pro come in and do most of the work and just get the homeowner to do some work for the camera.

So are there any other tradesmen or anyone here that has a love hate relationship with these shows?
Norm Abrams is God.

Mike Holmes is entertaining but somewhat unrealistic - not everyone can drop $225,000 gutting and rebuilding a bathroom.

At least half the renovation shows on cable appear to be hosted by models and failed actresses who have to be told which end of the hammer to hold.

I'm no contractor or anything, just my two pazuzas.
I like to watch automotive DIY shows. I like Gearz on Speed TV, and The Powerblock on Spike TV. The problem with the shows are they are working in a $1 million shop with $100000 in tools at their disposal. I am sure all you fine folks here have a 20 feet long Matco toolbox full of tools, a lift, and a chasis dyno.....right?
I am sure all you fine folks here have a 20 feet long Matco toolbox full of tools, a lift, and a chasis dyno.....right?

And that's just in my living room, you should see the rest of my house!:w00t:

Mike Holmes is entertaining but somewhat unrealistic - not everyone can drop $225,000 gutting and rebuilding a bathroom.

He definitely goes over board for sure, if it were me in some of those situations I'd turn a blind eye to some small things,.....
As a gun guy who has worked that biz in one way or another I hate muck ups in movies involving guns. My wife works for the Depot Paint Dept and has been involved in paint in one form or another forever. She won't watch movies with guns with out a stern warning to me and I won't watch those DIY show with her! She will gripe about the wrong paint... Oh god their mixing Behr and Glidden... I used to like Overhaulin, then a friend that ran a speed shop went to SEMA and watched an episode filmed. Came back and told me they have about 4-5 teams 24 hrs a day 7 days a week behind the scenes to "make it" in a week. On the other hand "School Pride" TV show just redid our local HS on an overhaul and yeah I went and helped so... I guess they do good even if they might suck...

I like to watch automotive DIY shows. I like Gearz on Speed TV, and The Powerblock on Spike TV. The problem with the shows are they are working in a $1 million shop with $100000 in tools at their disposal. I am sure all you fine folks here have a 20 feet long Matco toolbox full of tools, a lift, and a chasis dyno.....right?

I was a fan of those shows until I saw the "Extreme 4X4" people put a set of directional mud tires on the wrong way. I would think they would know better, and they probably do, but I lost all hope in them at that point. And they did a "budget" build that was no where near my budget, or most of the people I know.

I love to watch Norm and dream that maybe I could do some of the things he does.
I am not a tradie but when I had cable I loved watching This old house. You have some lovely old style homes in the states and it is really interesting to see how they can be restored/improved with modern building technology.
Not a big fan of them in general....presenters come across as a bit patronising/vacuous sometimes. However, I do like Holmes on Homes and used to like Changing Rooms before Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen took over.
I hate them but at the same time love 'em. I hate the way they do things, I've watched some of them paint wallpaper, really!?!? Some of the things they leave up and just go over with paint would drive me nuts take the time and do it right. At the same time they are really good for ideas, and I really like man caves and garage mahal.
I think my other big thing that bothers me about these shows is how they make it so easy to just knock down a wall. I mean it's not hard to do but you have to know whether or not it's load bearing.
OK, I'm really a tradesperson, but I do craft. Sometimes I watch crafting shows and just have to say, "Why would you do that?" or, "That's the biggest waste of money I've ever seen," or, "Lady, you just ruined a perfectly good wall. You know that thing is going to fall over."

Every now and then, though, I gleam something useful. I'm not exactly in love with Martha Stewart, but I did learn how to ice a cake to make it look like I MEANT it to be that way.
I'm not a huge fan, either. I help renovate our apartments, some woodwork, refinish furniture, and build my own electronics. The shows are mostly unrealistic because they cut out the drudge work and only present the highlights. It makes DIY look a lot easier than it is and the unexperienced get a skewed view of what it actually takes to finish something.

And don't get me started on shows about lawyers. The practice isn't anywhere as dramatic as what's on TV and in the movies.
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