Hi I am 26 from India.Back in college,I used to get beard much faster and shaving was a priority sometimes.although grooming became a more serious priority only for Important events. I would back then have a normal gilette razor and shaviing gel and foam..but recently after shaving like a real men with help of barber who use straight razor and cheap but really good quality shaving cream(tube) then ending it with a cool alum block then after shave.It has really made me think that what I had missed in my college days the real art of shaving which leaves your skin smooth and fresh with not a single speck of hair VS the fast way of shaving with razor and shaving gel which would leave certain hair hanging in the beard and moustache areas. I feel its better to sometime grow a medium beard then shave full clean rather than shaving every three days.I think after 16 if your getting facial hair,its better to shave like a pro with a decent shaving cream rather than those gels.
Is shaving cream much superior than gel(quick shave gels)?
Is shaving with straight razor better provided you have a trained barber?
Is shaving cream much superior than gel(quick shave gels)?
Is shaving with straight razor better provided you have a trained barber?