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Dignity and the Wet shave

Excellent read today as usual. My father passed away 11 years ago and my mother hasn't driven since COVID, she is still a spirited woman with all her wit and senses. Reading your mother wanting you to stay and her telling you she was lonely is bittersweet for me. My mother is 6 hours away and I don't see her often enough. 40 minutes may seem like a haul, but those moments with our mother are getting more scarce, I for one need to cherish all the moments I can get.
I enjoyed your writing about your parents..... I'm sure our kids will be going through similar things as we age. Just a few years ago now, we were discussing our 50th anniversary....Our son said... Dad, do you think you'll actually make it to your 50th? I had let my weight get out of control and had to use a cane to get around.

Not a direct result, but a contributing factor, his comment helped motivate me to do something about my declining health. I started exercising and changed my eating life style and began the arduous process of weight loss. This was in January of 2022. As of this morning, I'm 7 pounds away from what I believe will be my ideal weight, but I won't know for sure. I'll know when I get there if that's it and I can begin the maintenance program. Our 50th is coming up this June. It looks like I'll make it.

I think you might find the L1++OC base plate to provide a more mild shave you'll enjoy. I found that a Kai blade made it quite nice, but it also worked well with Perma-Sharp.
Thanks, for sharing, Kim. Glad you were able to get the weight where it needs to be. My kids and wife also contributed to me getting the weight down.

I have th 1++ queued up for tomorrow with day 3 of the 7'oclock Black. Will try the Kai in it next.
I'm "only" 70. I started delivering food last year in August. The thing that shocked me the most is how my driving skills had diminished....I'm sure staying mostly housebound for almost 2 years during Covid was a contributing factor, but there is no doubt, age is the biggest culprit.

It took about a month or so before I was competent to be out there, driving 12 hours a day. I used to drive over 70K miles a year when I was in sales. I'm not back to that level, of course. In fact, I realized very quickly. I can't have any distractions. I don't listen to the radio or play a CD, etc. any more. I have to give driving my full attention.

Still, I know there will come a day when I have to cease getting behind the wheel. I don't look forward to it, but I would like to think I'll recognize that time instead of having one of our sons (or my wife) informing me I'm a danger to myself and others when I drive.

Getting older isn't for the weak....
Agreed. I only wish my dad would give up the keys. We all talk about it. It is an issue. Most of us won't get in the car with him driving and we come up with stories about why one of us needs to drive. He would be extremely insulted if we refused to get in his car because he was driving.

Yesterday, he started back seat driving when I picked them up. I stopped the car in the middle of the road and told him "I appreciate your desire to help, but I will not fly through a stop sign so I could cut a car off and save us 30 seconds. Are you OK with that". I sat there blocking traffic until he agreed to stop.

I think I need to find a way to keep him from the wheel. I think I need to find a wahat won't wound him.
Excellent read today as usual. My father passed away 11 years ago and my mother hasn't driven since COVID, she is still a spirited woman with all her wit and senses. Reading your mother wanting you to stay and her telling you she was lonely is bittersweet for me. My mother is 6 hours away and I don't see her often enough. 40 minutes may seem like a haul, but those moments with our mother are getting more scarce, I for one need to cherish all the moments I can get.
I hear you load and clear.

I loved my grandmother to pieces and she passed at the young age of 72 from viral encephalitis. If I had only known she was going to pass so young, I would have made more time for her. I think about her all the time.

I think of the following story: A young man was sharing a walk with his community's spiritual leader. The young man noted: "Rabbi, let me get this straight, if one can repent and be forgiven just at the moment of death, then they should be able to sin up until that moment. Correct?". The learned man shrugged and replied "provided that he knew when that moment would be, then I suppose you are right. But we don't know when that time will be, so we need to try to live as though each minute were it."

I hope you can find time to see your mom. My wife's mom lives two hours drive north of Warsaw, Poland. She is battling ALS, and my wife's father passed away 4 years ago, so my Mather-in-law is alone. My wife is regularly distraught with the situation and tries to speak with her via WhatsApp every day. The ALS has taken my mother-in-law's speech, so that call is always bittersweet.
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I'm "only" 70. I started delivering food last year in August. The thing that shocked me the most is how my driving skills had diminished....I'm sure staying mostly housebound for almost 2 years during Covid was a contributing factor, but there is no doubt, age is the biggest culprit.

It took about a month or so before I was competent to be out there, driving 12 hours a day. I used to drive over 70K miles a year when I was in sales. I'm not back to that level, of course. In fact, I realized very quickly. I can't have any distractions. I don't listen to the radio or play a CD, etc. any more. I have to give driving my full attention.

Still, I know there will come a day when I have to cease getting behind the wheel. I don't look forward to it, but I would like to think I'll recognize that time instead of having one of our sons (or my wife) informing me I'm a danger to myself and others when I drive.

Getting older isn't for the weak....
For sure. Luckily, a full life prepares us.
April 16 – Role Reversal

Quick post today: I tried the Superslant with a 1++ OC plate. What a difference from the 2++SB plate!

With the 2++, I tried Wizamet and 7'oclock Black blades. The first wasn't efficient enough; the second too aggressive. I put the day 3 7'oclock Black blade into the 1++ OC, and the combo rang out to the heavens, heralding in a new era of slant razor goodness!. Nearly perfect, low irritation, BBS shave. At some point I need to find the right blade for the 2++, but for now, I'll be using the 1++ with aggressive blades like the Black.
April 17, 2024 - In Memorium

Memory is a fascinating thing, particularly in the context of significant events – when major things happen, we tend to remember a whole bunch of things temporally related to the event. Do you remember where you were at 9am on 9/11/2001? Yes? What about 2:30pm on 9/1/2001? Probably not. Often, significant memories can be triggered by those things that went along with that memory. Whenever I smell air-popped popcorn, I immediately think of my Freshman dorm at college

One of my most bittersweet memories is triggered by PolSilver blades.

When I met my in-laws, back in 1992, I learned that my mother-in-law (Halina) was a sought-after elementary school teacher. Parents would regularly call the principle asking that their kid could be in her class. She was articulate, supportive, and kind. Later in life, she was responsible for running classes for educators. My father-in-law (Stan or Stasiu) had been the chief director of a bank and the head of a construction materials company during the communist period. When I first met him, he had recently retired and had opened a bar in a nearby village. The two of them were part of the Polish intelligentsia, and both were community leaders. When they spoke, people wanted to listen to what they had to say. When they acted, people were often thanking them. Stanley was the clear family patriarch. Relatives from Olsztyn, Canada and Germany regularly came to visit, often seeking his advice.

On September 9th, 2018, my wife and I had gotten off the plane in Warsaw and made our way to her town, about a hundred kilometers north of the city. We got out of the car, went upstairs, had the requisite welcome shots of moonshine, washed off the travel and sat down to eat. Hala was already struggling with ALS and Stasiu was beginning to show signs of dementia, had some heart issues (he was taking blood thinners) and had recently had a few falls. They were doing “OK”, but they were at the beginning of what I would call “the tough decade”.

We had a nice meal. My father was struggling a bit with his memory that night and started out the evening with some confusion over who my wife was. He figured that a few shots of Chopin Vodka would straighten things out for him. Hala had made cutlets, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup and had a variety of cold cuts and breads spread out on the table. My wife and I were a bit jet lagged, but it was great to see them and have a nice meal. After dinner, I went to get cleaned up while my wife caught up with her parents. Stanley was using a DE razor at the time and I remember the PolSilver tuck on the shelf next to his zamac razor with black plastic handle. I remember wondering why he had never made the switch to “modern razors”, but assumed that the decision was a financial one.

As I was finishing up, I heard a “thump” from the living room, quickly followed up by my wife and mother-in-law asking if Stasiu was OK. My normally calm and collected wife, who works in healthcare and was an EMT for many years, was becoming frantic. “Mark, come out here! Hurry!” I threw on my dirty clothing and come out to the living room. Stanley had fallen, had hit his head, and was coming in and out of consciousness. He was not able to speak and seemed to have trouble understanding what we were saying. My wife called for emergency services as my father-in-law became non-responsive. The ambulance got there quickly and raced upstairs. As the Medic and his assistant started getting Stanley down the stairs, the sounds of my wife and mother-in-law telling Stan how much they loved him rang in my ears.

There must have been 500 people at the funeral later that week. There were lines out the door of the church into the adjacent cemetery. The scouts came (including the Medic, who Stanley from the Pioneers scouting organization). The “friends of Kurpia” came. Representatives from the bank came. Colleagues from his days working at the “Hurtownia” came. Politicians came and did their best not to stump too heavily. Family from all over Poland came. My wife was acting strong, mostly to support her mom, but she was struggling (she was definitely “Daddy’s girl”). Following the funeral there were a lot of difficult discussions about Hala, ALS, where she would live and who would take care of her.

We recently celebrated my wife’s Patron Saints Day and we spent a good bit of time reminiscing about her dad and the many visits we had with him since that first trip in 1992. I decided to open a tuck of PolSilver blades in Stasiu’s memory:

BigAlVista's Shave Butter, PAA cube and Grooming Dept. Mojito Pre-shave
The Body Shop Macca and Aloe
ShaveMac with 2-band knot
Rex Konsul at 3.5
Vintage PolSilver
1st Pass Effectiveness
2nd Pass Effectiveness
Final Effectiveness
Silky smooth
Nice, mild shave
Post Shave Irritation
Overall Efficiency
Efficient enough for a great three pass BBS shave
Razor, Blade and Cream Observations
Great combo. Too bad the Body Shop is going out of business. Thanks to Matt at Razor Emporium for including a tuck of PolSilvers with the Konsul
Consistency with prior shave - Same setup
First shave with this setup.
Post Shave.
Thayers, AofS Bourbon balm
Burberry Brit
Overall Shave Experience
Excellent shave
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April 18, 2024

Just So.

In a prior post, I wrote about Yasuda-san, the sushi chef and martial artist that used to serve me dinner at Hatsuhana 30 years ago (and later at Sushi Yasuda). Though he returned to Japan some 13 years ago, He keeps coming up in my thoughts.

A few weeks back, I purchased a couple of RazoRock Superslants and started out playing with the 2++ SB plate. I loaded it up with my favorite blade for aggressive razors, the Wizamet. After several shaves where the efficiency was too low, I bailed and tried a sharper blade, the Gillette 7’oclock black. The efficiency came up, but not to the level that I get with say, an OC Blackbird. In addition, the 2++ with that black mamba blade left my face feeling a bit raw from the 2-3 times I used the combo. Were any of the shaves bad? No. But they weren’t (as Yasuda would say) “Proper”.

When I switched to the 1++ OC plate, keeping the same 7’oclock blade, the experience was what one should expect from a proper DE shave. Minimal sting. No stubble. No worrying about blood splatter on the ceiling or carving off a slice of adam’s apple. It was, again, as Yasuda would say “just so”.

I have been messing around with wet shaving for just over a year. While my experience is limited to about a dozen or so razors, few have met the “just so” benchmark. The OC Blackbird with Wizamet and SB Blackbird Lite with Israeli Reds do. The La Faulx + with Kai Titan Mild does. The .95 Scalloped Timeless with Kai blade does as well. My other razors come close (provided specific blades), but if I were focused purely on getting a near perfect shave on a daily basis and did not have any interest in experimentation, I’d pick one of those combos and be good for the next 30 years (fingers definitely crossed!).

Up until this morning, it had not occurred to me why I like to experiment with different products that would be considered “hobby items”. I’m beginning to think it is less about FOMO than it is about finding things that distinguish their maker. When I find something truly exceptional – Like an outstanding plate of Sushi, a superbly smithed Damascus blade, a tack-driving hand-made 1911 with 3lb trigger, or a nearly perfect razor or brush, I think about the person or firm that made it. The craftsmen were not just trying to make money, but were objectifying themselves, their work ethic, and their artistry into their creation. Using such products is a declaration of human ingenuity and excellence. Many times, I am the only one that appreciates the completed work. I'm perfectly OK being an audience of one.

Back in the early 90’s, I owned a restaurant in Ithaca NY and had made friends with some of the other restaurateurs in town. At dinner one night at a French restaurant just off or Route 13, the owner asked me if I would like to try a nice Chateuneuf-du-Pape he had recently gotten in. It was a 1989 Beaucastel, and he comped it to me. The sommelier uncorked and served me a taste. I was sure I was committing infanticide, but the wine was nonetheless spectacular. The next day, I went hunting through the finger lakes’ liquor stores trying to find more of it. I was able to scrounge a case and a few magnums. A few bottles still live in my cellar and every few years I’ll take one out for an hour of deep appreciation.

It seems to me that most people go through life as though they are on autopilot. Wake up, groom, go to work, come home and enjoy the family, unwind a bit, then go to bed. Wash, rinse, repeat. But within each of those mundane activities potentially lies human greatness. As my dear mom used to advise, I actively try to stop and smell the roses. If I were to coast through all of the mundane stuff without taking time to appreciate things, I’d either be sleeping or coasting through 80% of my life. I’m not interested in doing that. When I stop to appreciate a well-engineered brush, the thrust of acceleration of my car, a beautifully orchestrated plate of food, a really good movie, or a great glass of wine, it’s my way of appreciating what is good in the world and those that have made it so. Today, my homage is to Razorock for their Superslant 1++ and to Gillette for the perfect blade to accompany it.

Today’s SOTD

BigAlVista's Shave Butter, PAA cube and Grooming Dept. Mojito Pre-shave
Catie’s Bubbles Revolution
SV 2-Band
Razorock Superslant 1++
7’oclock Black (5)
1st Pass Effectiveness
2nd Pass Effectiveness
Final Effectiveness
Silky smooth
Mild shave
Post Shave Irritation
Some, but nothing uncomfortable
Overall Efficiency
Highly efficient, despite the mild 1++ plate.
Razor, Blade and Cream Observations
Great combo. Don’t love the scent of the Revolution Soap – It has strong notes of shaved cedar – it reminds me of the Hamster cage for our long gone beloved pet, flopsy
Consistency with prior shave - Same setup
Similar to prior shave with this blade. Both outstanding shaves.
Post Shave.
Thayers, AofS Bourbon balm
Banana Republic Walnut
Overall Shave Experience
I could use this razor and blade for years at a time. Right there with the OC Blackbird/Wizamet and .95 Timeless with Kai.
Really enjoying the 1++ Superslant. Smooth, efficient enough. I’m getting great shaves with it, provided I’m using a sharp blade, like the black mamba I’ve been using.

Thanks for the reminder Mark! Excellent story telling skills and I definitely have those weeks where I am just going through the motions (and sometimes having teens adds to that). I need to pay attention to the little things some more again. Shaving is one of those little things or moments I utterly enjoy. Expanding that would make everything better.

Thanks again!

April 19, 2024
Americana. XL


I received my Shavemac order yesterday, an America XL with a 30mm, D01 2-band knot. After giving it a good cleaning last night, I took it out for a spin in the scuttle this morning.

It’s really a wonderful brush for hard soaps. It’s stiff, has lots of scritch, and sheds lather nicely. I gave it it’s maiden voyage with a puck of D. R. Harris. 20 seconds of brushing across a pre-wetted puck and I had enough soap for a rich, 3-pass shave. Though it’s an all resin handle, the brown bands look like highly polished wood. Those dark bands remind me of the trim on my wife’s C-300 dashboard. The brush is well balanced and feels good in the hand. It will go nicely alongside my two Shavenac D-01 3-bands, my Shavemac standard 2-band, and the forthcoming D-01 2-band coming from Rudy’ B&B group buy. I’ve got a pair of Wald brushes stuck at Newark airport. Once those and the group buy come in, I think I’m done with brushes for a while.

This was one of Bernd’s last Configurator brushes, and it’s a fitting representation of his artistry. Using it with the Superslant 1++ and a black mamba blade made for a great morning shave.

BigAlVista's Shave Butter, PAA cube and Grooming Dept. Mojito Pre-shave
D. R. Harris Arlington
Shavemac Americana XL D01 2-Band
Razorock Superslant 1++
7’oclock Black (6)
1st Pass Effectiveness
2nd Pass Effectiveness
Final Effectiveness
Silky smooth
Mild shave
Post Shave Irritation
Some, but nothing uncomfortable
Overall Efficiency
Highly efficient, despite the mild 1++ plate.
Razor, Blade and Cream Observations
Effective combo. Excellent scritch on the 30mm 2-band.
Consistency with prior shave - Same setup
Highly consistent across the various shaves with this razor and blade
Post Shave.
Thayers, AofS Bourbon balm
SV Felce
Overall Shave Experience
A wonderful shave to kick Friday off.
Really enjoyed the 1++ Superslant. Smooth, efficient enough. I’m getting great shaves with it, provided I’m using a sharp blade, like the black mamba I’ve been using. This was the last shave with this blade. I'll be going back to my Leaf Thorn with Wizamet blade tomorrow.
April 21, 2024
Thorns and Roses

I’m sitting at the desk where, a week from tomorrow at this time, I’ll be back reading contracts and providing counsel to technology implementation consulting teams as they prepare for their engagements.

The past 7 weeks have been challenging. I did not want surgery on my neck, but after two prior operations on other vertebrae, I understood that this procedure was simply not elective. I watched myself stripped of my dignity and capability that first day at the hospital and have spent the past 7 weeks building myself back up. Six weeks ago, I was barely able to walk down the stairs and I was writing notes on degrees of pain – based on experience. Today, I am wondering about passwords and conference calls.

I struggled with both pain and a dependency upon others for the first month following the procedure. I took up writing this journal to keep myself sane while spending hours each day flat on my back. Being able to write today’s entry from my desktop computer rather than typing up into my phone from flat on my back is confirmation that this infirmity is coming to an end. I said to myself on that car ride home from the hospital “Breathe. This will get better.” It has, and this improvement is a life lesson in optimism and confidence.

When my computer started this morning, Outlook automatically opened, and I see that my automatic reply is still enabled. One more week to go. I only have 355 unread messages. Not bad. I should be able to deal with those within a week.

Early on during my LOA, I received a Leaf Thorn Razor, paid for mostly by Shopify Dollars. The razor’s name was fitting for how I’ve felt these past two months. As a counterpoint to the razor’s name, the smooth high-quality shaves I’ve gotten from it parallel my progression back to normalcy.

The leave of absence itself, while difficult and painful, particularly early on, gave me an opportunity to bring contractors in or directly take care of things I’ve been putting off…A new roof for the porch, much needed driveway repairs, electrical work, new car, new phone, cleaned office, cleaned basement, exercise every day, and catching up on doctor visits. While many of these had their own thorny challenges, the ultimate result was an updated “DFS” home and self.

Not perfect, but a darn fine representation of what life should be.

I start PT tomorrow and by the end of the week will be mostly done with doctor visits and related post-surgical stuff. I am looking forward to seeing my inbox fill up with work again.

But life continues to put barbs in our path. I started typing this post at about 10am and I expected it to be about a return to normalcy. But life has no status quo. There is no ‘Normalcy’. Life is a process, and it is our job to make the most of it. There will always be good things in our lives, and there will always be challenges. It is our job to figure out how to clear out that which pains us to make room for what is beautiful and good.

About 20 minutes into typing this post, I received a phone call from my 82-year-old mother. She had been coughing a bit the past two days, but she thought it was allergies. She’s heading to CVS for Paxlovid as I type this. While she is in pretty good shape for her age and does not have many high-risk factors for COVID, I cannot say the same about my father. He has amyloidosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, his heart valves are leaky and he is approaching 90. Because of the medications he is on, Paxlovid would not be an option for him. He tends to make little of health issues, and I do not think he will do the needful relative to isolating himself from my mother. I am candidly pushing back the panic right now.

But this is what life is. We get thorns. Sometimes we can see the rose attached, sometimes not.

Today's shave of the day (same setup today and yesterday)

BigAlVista's Shave Butter, PAA cube and Grooming Dept. Mojito Pre-shave
S.V. Mana di Sicilia
Shavemac Americana XL D01 2-Band
Leaf Thorn
Wizamet (3) and Wizamet (1) – Finished up a prior half blade yesterday and put a fresh one in today.
1st Pass Effectiveness
2nd Pass Effectiveness
Final Effectiveness
Silky smooth
Mild shave
Post Shave Irritation
Overall Efficiency
Just right. Great balance between smoothness and efficiency
Razor, Blade and Cream Observations
Effective combo.
Consistency with prior shave - Same setup
Highly consistent across the various shaves with this razor and blade
Post Shave.
Thayers, AofS Bourbon balm
SV Felce
Overall Shave Experience
Wonderful shave.
It continues to surprise me how a relatively inexpensive razor like the Thorn can outperform razors costing over 5 times more. Truly a wonderful piece of kit. I wonder if Leaf will ever come out with one in Stainless or Ti. If so, count me in.
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