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Different grinds for different days growth?

Last night I had about a 4 day growth going on. I picked up my freshly honed MK31 & started in. Kinda smarted. Got halfway done, said screw this, picked up the Dubl Duck I just got in. It was a tad worse.
Should I have reached for one of my OLD, heavy razors? Are they better for a job like that than a full hollow?


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Some would say that a wedge is better for a heavier, coarser beard. If the razor is sharp enough, it should cut 1 day or 60 days worth of beard regardless of the grind. YMMV.
Interested to hear what other folks say about this. I just shave every few days... well... all the time; so every time I shave its pretty thick, kind of why I migrated towards straight razors, because they handle it the best.

In my opinion if its "sharp" it shouldnt matter much, does the hair get tougher after a few days?? More hair or is it just a little longer?? I do seem to get better results from a wedge or near wedge than a full hollow so Im not sure if its a edge angle that may be coming into play. Just tried a full hollow (Gold Dollar) that I finished with 3 layers (added the tape at the end) of tape on some heavy growth and it was pretty darn nice
Hmmm. Well, perhaps it's me then. It popped hair before I started, so I thought that was a good sign. I just thought i'd need something with more "beef" to it.
Shows what I know. :confused1
I should add that Ive had several full hollows that when honed "traditionally" and that had a low angle on the edge, always seemed to disappoint.

Dovo, Boker, Gold Dollar, and other full hollows that were 5/8 or so wide or wider. Started noticing the difference on a little Genco full hollow that always seems to deliver. Then a Joseph Rogers. Both blades a little narrower than the norm that hone out at a higher edge angle.

Really just trying to figure out what works for me but thats what Ive been learning so far
I go to a wider blade for more room on the blade for whiskers and residue. Less rinsing off. Seven weeks growth in one shot on a Hart, just as if I had shaved the day before.
I prefer a stiffer grind when I have a few days of whiskers to whack, less flex feels better to me.
Any grind will get it done though. Technique, prep, and a good edge are what matters most to me.
Different grinds to match my mood. Some days I'll want an 8/8 extra hollow ground to shave off a few days of growth, others I'll opt for a 5/8 half hollow.

I very rarely reach for my thicker grind razors. More often than not, I'll pick the hollow grinds.
Day-to-day, I reach for 4/8 and 5/8 full- or extra full-hollows. With a few days' growth, I reach for a 6/8 quarter-hollow, just to use it for a change. Straights are really great razors for a few days' growth.
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