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Difference in quality between TOBS and Trumpers?

It is well established that TOBS colognes are cheaper and provide a greater economic value than Trumpers. Does this establish that TOBS uses inferior ingredients?
Others who've worn both should weigh in here.

But I don't know if you can assume their ingredients are "inferior" but you can bet they're "cheaper." Which in fragrance world, may be one and the same.

To me, if there's a TOBS that wears well on you that you like, that's all that counts.

Check the Basenotes Directory and see what kind of reviews the TOBS get. I know many Trumpers are pretty well regarded.
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I have come to believe that the price of cologne has more to do with market positioning than ingredience. Take at $150 bottle vs. the same size $35 bottle. I just don't think the ingrediences are responcible for the difference in price. Also I think a mass marketed product will cost less than something more exclusive. Let's face it the name "Gucci" will alway cost more than Old Spice.
I have come to believe that the price of cologne has more to do with market positioning than ingredience. Take at $150 bottle vs. the same size $35 bottle. I just don't think the ingrediences are responcible for the difference in price. Also I think a mass marketed product will cost less than something more exclusive. Let's face it the name "Gucci" will alway cost more than Old Spice.

I think that's true to a point. But I do not think the quality and cost of ingredients in Cool Water is identical to the quality and cost of ingredients in Green Irish Tweed.

I also make note of the fact that in addition to selling their scent at a very low price, Old Spice spends millions advertising it. A ton more than any of the high end fragrances.
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I wonder which one looks more quality than the other. Taylor of Old Bond Street has those rectangular boxes and bottles, while Trumpers goes cyclindrical instead. I always associate square or rectangular with middle-of-the-road. Like Johnny Walker Red Label (or any color label) Cylinders make me think 16 yr-old highland single malt scotch. now who wants a drink?
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