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Difference between Edwin Jagger and Dr Harris

Several razor makers use the the same new DE head that Muhle and EJ developed (it may have just been Muhle that developed it, but you get the point). There is price variation even within manufacturers, as you can pick up the EJ DE89L (which uses the same head as the Chatsworth) for about $35. So some combination of materials, fit and finish and maker's name will go into the pricing. Regardless, this DE head design is pretty highly regarded, and speaking for myself, gives a very nice, smooth shave.
I'm not familiar with the other but I have the Chatsworth and supposedly the finish is supposed to be the same plating process they use on a Rolls Royce.

It's a great shaver by the way.
Get the Dr Harris and save yourself $22. With the difference either get more blades, soaps, creams, etc.... :001_smile
Here's a better photo of the D.R. Harris version. As stated above, where the rubber meets the road is with the fine Muhle/EJ head. The same head is placed on various models at various price ranges. The difference is in the handles. The Edwin Jagger DE 86, DE 87, DE 89 and DE89L all have the same fine finish and wonderful head.
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Not meaning to hijack, but is this the same one that is on the Merkur HD?

EJ/Muhle on left, Merkur HD on right

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