Why are the simpsons brushes so cheap on this web site?
I was thinking about getting a simpsons duke d1 in pure or a vulfix in pure
http://www.vulfixoldoriginal.com/products-detail.asp?CatID=1&SubCatID=26&ProductID=21ix in pure
What are youre reccomendations for these brushes? pros,cons etc etc.I like to face lather and ive been using a ej super for the best part of 2 years.
I was thinking about getting a simpsons duke d1 in pure or a vulfix in pure
http://www.vulfixoldoriginal.com/products-detail.asp?CatID=1&SubCatID=26&ProductID=21ix in pure
What are youre reccomendations for these brushes? pros,cons etc etc.I like to face lather and ive been using a ej super for the best part of 2 years.