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Dialing up on the Futur


A quick question to the shave gurus: Ive been shaving DE for about two months now and on my Futur, the setting has always remained at 1. Is it time to try a higher setting?

A quick question to the shave gurus: Ive been shaving DE for about two months now and on my Futur, the setting has always remained at 1. Is it time to try a higher setting?

I think you can answer your own question. Are you feeling confident and do you get nick-free shave at 1? If yes, you may want to try 2 or 3 and proceed accordingly. Good luck.
I have the confidence now.. The neck needs work though. Dialing up though, would that aid the neck problems? ( as well as improving technique? )
You may want to dial down when tackling your neck area to prevent irritation. Remember to let the weight of the razor be the only pressure that is being applied.
I have mine set on 3 permanently. Works very well, but of course it's a personal thing. Experimenting is the way to go.
I could not for the life of me get past 1.5 with Merkur blades, but since switching to Derbys, I now get a great shave at 2-2.25 (2 for soaps and 2.25 for creams). But of course YMMV and experimenting is part of the fun - just remember to have a styptic pencil around in case something goes wrong lol.

Good luck!
I used the 2nd setting with a Derby and it gave me quite a superb shave. I feel Im almost there with my neck shaving problems, little irritation, but I guess its just my skin.
What exactly do the different settings do? Change the exposure of the edge or angle of the blade? What is it that a higher setting accomplishes relevant to the shave?
What exactly do the different settings do? Change the exposure of the edge or angle of the blade? What is it that a higher setting accomplishes relevant to the shave?

Tim, the higher the setting the more blade exposure. You can get a really close shave but use caution at all times.
i was getting on fine with my futur set at 2 with a merkur blade. i whacked it up to 3 and got cut to pieces, so i now leave it at a 2 and it will probably stay there until i get some different blades and then i'll experiment again.
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