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DFS from 2 passes

My face was a little irritated so I figured I'd just do two passes this morning instead of my usual 3.5 passes for BBS. I went XTG and ATG and to my great delight I got a DFS with no irritation or problems. I've tried shortcuts before but usually it leaves my neck either pretty scruffy or irritated. I guess my technique is getting much better. It's nice to have a quick option for mornings when I'm a little tight on time but still want to look presentable.

My usual shave is a two-passer; first north-south (mostly WTG, XTG on my lower neck), then south-north (mostly ATG, with another XTG pass on my lower neck). My beard's not too heavy, plus I shave every other day. I get a BBS on most of my face, and a DFS on my lower neck, which works out since it's more prone to irritation. Not everyone has the need for a multipass shave.
Experimentation is good. I've been doing two, with the grain and against the grain. In my case, three passes, with, across, and against doesn't seem to make much difference.
I've been really trying for the BBS every time without irritation and I'm pretty much there. Mostly it's WTG, XTG, ATG but I also need a GTX before the ATG for my neck. Interestingly, with four passes on my neck I get less irritation. If I don't do an ATG pass it's not even DFS so I need that.

This was nice though. Much quicker and easier but not scruffy. Got to have more than one trick in your bag ;)

Pretty much two passes for me to get DFS every time. One with and one across. Then to get BBS I just do a VERY light against the grain. But if I wanted to I could probably stop after the second pass and no one would know except me.
Lucky you! I have to do a 3-pass for DFS (occasionally I will get BBS, from 3-pass, but rarely; I generally need to do 2 ATG passes for BBS, which is only done on special occasions).
Sounds good, I wish I could get a DFS with a 2pass. Takes at least three in the morning to get smooth on both sides.
I have some kind of disorder. I am definitely DFS after 2 passes but I can't let it go...have to make the third pass and then touchups to get BBS.

Weirdly enough, when I shave with a straight at the weekends, I'm perfectly happy with a 2 pass DFS shave.
I've found that by reducing to two passes (XTG,ATG) with a little touch up, I can get BBS shaves without irritation. It also speeds things up to around ten minutes. I originally enjoyed the 30 minute shaves when starting out, but at this point, I like the extra sleep time on work days.

I do two passes (WTG, XTG) with some ATG touch-ups in a few areas and I'm done. DFS every time and little risk of irritation.
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