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Desktop Speakers

Just hooked this system up to my Mac. Terrific sound for desktop speakers but lacking a bit on the bass without subwoofer.


Lacking bass - well, what do you expect from speakers this size?
I have my computer's sound card (a special one) connected to a 2500$ Sonneteer amplifier and it in turn is connected to 2500$ Sonus Faber speakers.
Lacking bass - well, what do you expect from speakers this size?
I have my computer's sound card (a special one) connected to a 2500$ Sonneteer amplifier and it in turn is connected to 2500$ Sonus Faber speakers.

Wow! I bet that projects Opera music nicely. I never thought to integrate the big system with the computer system. I have now learned a special card/driver is probably required. I will be investigating compatibility and logistics.

Thanks ArNav.
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Well, music is a very important part of my life...
If you will have any questions about audio gear, you can try to ask me.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Magnepan is, in my opinion, the greatest speaker manufacturer of all time.


Needs milk and a bidet!
4 years ago when I bought a new computer I picked up a Logitech 5.1 speaker system similar to this one: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/surround-sound-speaker-z506?crid=47.

I was amazed at the sound it produced!I brought it home and tested it with Metallica - Master of Puppets. My roommate asked "did you get a new stereo?" I said nope computer speakers.

moved and sold em, and gave the comp to my mother.

Now I just use the internal speaker my Mac Mini is equipped with.
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