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Desert Island Situation

Gents, I know we have all played around with the hypothetical "desert island" situation: if you had to pick one razor, brush, soap, and aftershave to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? Well, that much-maligned time has finally come. We are packing up to move to our next assignment, so for the next two-and-change months, possibly longer depending on how long it takes for the rest of our stuff to be shipped, I will be living that hypothetical situation.

For my desert island I have picked my Gillette Fatboy Adjustable, my homemade AS and Lucky Tiger AS and face tonic (both of those AS can be used as daily moisturizer as well), RazoRock XXX, MB Bay Rhum, and Arko. For my brush I am taking my RV Custom in Finest and sending my Vulfix 404 All the rest of my pogonotomy tools are being shipped to our new home in Asia. I will have these, and ONLY these (except for the Clubman and AOS Ocean Kelp I plan to buy back in Northern VA).

Yes, I will truly be living a Spartan life.
A Feather AS-D1 razor, Feather blades, a Simpson Major brush, tubes of GFT shaving cream (coconut oil, rose, etc.), and buckets of Captain's Choice Bay Rum aftershave.

Or, a really sharp knife to do double-duty as a razor and a way to slice open the coconuts to make my own coconut oil shaving liquid, salt water to splash my face, and a way to keep the knife sharp...
My '66 flare tip SS with feather blades, MWF soap, my Vulfix Pure badger(because the MWF likes it better than silvertip), Dickensons unscented witchhazel, and for an AS I gotta go with the Old Spice, (AHOY Ladies!)LOL!
*Gillette Old Type (appropriate since you COULD find it on a desert island)
*Super Iridiums
*Semogue LE 2011 #1 boar
*MIke's Natural Soaps/Mystic Water Soaps (half and half)
*Unrefined Shea Butter (works to prevent drying of the skin caused by over-exposure to sun!)

Good thing i am not going there any time, soon!!
Nothing! I'd grow me a big ol' beard and start talking to sporting equipment!

But seriously....

EJ Barley, Feathers, SR 3824 & proraso in pre/cream/AS.

Might be a desert island but I need my Italian Job...
A 3 piece razor such as my Merkur 180, Astra SP, Arko sticks, Semogue 830 brush. These are not my favorites but would seem appropriate for long term confinement on desert island. Would not won't adjustable razor and have the mechanism fail.
Good luck with the move!

Based on what I have accumulated so far: Gillette NEW, Semogue 1800, TOBS Rose or Cella, and either Ogallala Sandalwood & Bay Rum or Thayers Rose for me.
I'm doing the same thing shortly and think that even with all the constraints you can squeeze a little more variety into your life. First, get some travel size portions of creams, if you use them. I bought a CF travel size just for this reason. More expensive per volume, but once you have the jar, you can refill it. Dealers like Bullgoose often include nice little samples in tubs when you buy from them. Each is good for a couple of shaves and they're a light-weight, re-useable way to include some variety in your constrained circumstances. A stick adds an option at very little cost in space or weight. Then, try a travel razor. New or old, these pack down to an incredibly compact size, and you can normally match your favorite head or two to a single handle since screws are standardized. Lots of options for bringing small sizes of AS or ASB. Brushes? A Wee Scot in a pill bottle takes no space at all, and can be added to your kit along with your favorite brush for a little variety. I've been living overseas and travelling for over thirty years and have yet to find myself on a true desert island. Granted, Northern Virginia can be a wasteland in many ways, but you can always buy a few extras even there to tide you over and then mail them to your next post. Finally, tell the kids "sorry, I need my toys as much as you need yours, and your fourteenth Barbie is going to have to go in the HHE so that I can make room for my Polo 14." :001_rolle

Gents, I know we have all played around with the hypothetical "desert island" situation: if you had to pick one razor, brush, soap, and aftershave to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? Well, that much-maligned time has finally come. We are packing up to move to our next assignment, so for the next two-and-change months, possibly longer depending on how long it takes for the rest of our stuff to be shipped, I will be living that hypothetical situation.

For my desert island I have picked my Gillette Fatboy Adjustable, my homemade AS and Lucky Tiger AS and face tonic (both of those AS can be used as daily moisturizer as well), RazoRock XXX, MB Bay Rhum, and Arko. For my brush I am taking my RV Custom in Finest and sending my Vulfix 404 All the rest of my pogonotomy tools are being shipped to our new home in Asia. I will have these, and ONLY these (except for the Clubman and AOS Ocean Kelp I plan to buy back in Northern VA).

Yes, I will truly be living a Spartan life.
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I faced this exact situation two years ago. I took an Omega brush, MWF and a forties SS.
Where are you going?

We're taking a foreign service job at US Embassy Phnom Penh (Cambodia). According to the map I found at the back of an issue of Newsweek I will be only TWO INCHES from India! (j/k) We're going back to CONUS so the wife can get some training for this assignment, and most of our stuff is being shipped ahead. I would send it in our air-freight shipment to the US, but the wife will be working, and a good amount of our weight allowance will be taken up with the four-month-old's stuff and dog food.
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