Gents, I know we have all played around with the hypothetical "desert island" situation: if you had to pick one razor, brush, soap, and aftershave to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? Well, that much-maligned time has finally come. We are packing up to move to our next assignment, so for the next two-and-change months, possibly longer depending on how long it takes for the rest of our stuff to be shipped, I will be living that hypothetical situation.
For my desert island I have picked my Gillette Fatboy Adjustable, my homemade AS and Lucky Tiger AS and face tonic (both of those AS can be used as daily moisturizer as well), RazoRock XXX, MB Bay Rhum, and Arko. For my brush I am taking my RV Custom in Finest and sending my Vulfix 404 All the rest of my pogonotomy tools are being shipped to our new home in Asia. I will have these, and ONLY these (except for the Clubman and AOS Ocean Kelp I plan to buy back in Northern VA).
Yes, I will truly be living a Spartan life.
For my desert island I have picked my Gillette Fatboy Adjustable, my homemade AS and Lucky Tiger AS and face tonic (both of those AS can be used as daily moisturizer as well), RazoRock XXX, MB Bay Rhum, and Arko. For my brush I am taking my RV Custom in Finest and sending my Vulfix 404 All the rest of my pogonotomy tools are being shipped to our new home in Asia. I will have these, and ONLY these (except for the Clubman and AOS Ocean Kelp I plan to buy back in Northern VA).
Yes, I will truly be living a Spartan life.