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zipping sound from stropping?

ok so ive seen alot of videos and read alot of posts and everyone keeps talking about this zipping sound and how its supposed to be the same on both sides. in all the razords ive had with the differenbt strops ive used. i cant get that sound unless i by a very minescule amount lift the spine off the strop. which is apparently wrong? its not a lot of lift either small enough that when i holde the strop level to my face i can just barely barely tell that its off the strop. just as a test today i tried that with one of my razors. and when i went to shave with it it completely changed how the edge shaves in a positive way. it cuts smoothly with no resistence is the main thing which to me makes it a good bit more comfortable. so what gives? how do others get this sound in any other way than just like i described and if thats still wrong why am i getting a much smoother shaprer and easier shave?


Rose to the occasion
Do not lift the spine! Try adjusting pressure by torquing the razor to the strop while maintaining spine contact. Now if you are talking about the fabric component, don't be afraid of the zoop sounds. The fabric is not ruining your edge. It's doing good things. Embrace the zoop.

You can get funny sounds off of leather. For me it comes when I inadvertently put a heel bias on the razor and the blade isn't riding flat. Sound is not a tell I can use at this point unless it's an unusual sound. That usually means I fouling something up again.......
The type of sound will vary, depending upon the material, grind, speed, etc. What is important is that the sound is pretty much the same for both directions; if it is different one way from the other, then you may be changing the pressure, angle, or speed. Strive for a consistent sound up and back, not a particular tone (although as you get to know the strop and blade you'll start to recognise familiar tonal patterns).
An extra-hollow grind can actually ring while stropping. One manufacturer has a model they call a "singing razor."
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