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decisions about my first DE, brush, shaving soap-recommendations

I've perused this informative website for a couple of weeks. I would like to get started on the Double Edged razor shaving routine.

After reading a lot of reviews, threads, posts, etc.....I've come to some decisions.

I will have to get my DE shaver via online. I find it a bit amazing that in my middling large city (close to 700,000 population) in Western Canada that nary a new DE Shaver could be found. However there are some soaps, but no blades available locally.

So I will have to go online. There are some online shops based in Canada that seem to have all the stuff I might. One even, I have learned form another poster offers 10 % discounts to B & B members.

But first, before buying anything I thought I would run my purchase ideas, by the eyes of more experienced Double Edgers.

DE Shaver:

I really like the look of the Muhle R89 DE shaver. It seems to have positive reviews. Looks like it's all metal, no plastic, but I'm guessing as I'm going by pictures, I haven't actually seen one.

I want a DE Shaver that is all metal, no plastic. Even though I have yet to use a DE Shaver...I know in my heart, I'm a dyed in the wool, traditionalist. :001_smile

I note that some of the Merkur (also nice looking) DE shavers and from what I've read you can use any brand DE razor blades in the Merkurs.

I'm assuming the same goes for the Muhle R89....ie; that I can use any DE razor blades in the Muhle ? Don't know for sure though ? If someone could confirm that would be great.

Razor Blades:

I was thinking of getting one of those razor blade packs that contains a sampling of razor blades made by different manufacturers. The idea here, I'm assuming is that I can try different brands to see which works best for my beard / skin ?

BTW, how long does a DE razor blade generally last before being tossed out to oblivion ? I know mileage will differ, depending on conditions... coarseness of beard, etc.

Soap / Gel / Cream :

I'm using Gillette Gel in the can. Seems to work well with my Gillette Fusion 3 cartridges that I currently shave with.

But with a DE Shaver I've been thinking of getting either Williams Mug Soap or Wilkinson's Shaving Soap. Or maybe just keep on using Gillette Gel ?

I'm also thinking of getting a Wilkinson's Brush to use with the soaps, if I go with the soaps.

Shaving Mug:

I'm not sure if I need one. Is a mug....just a mug...or is a specialized shaving mug, a mug that has particular qualities that you need for shaving, that aren't available with other...non shaving mugs ?

Do I need anything else ? :

I've noticed all sorts of oils, etc...other products. But do I really need anything more then a good DE Shaver, some DE razor blades, a brush, Gel/soap/cream, possibly a mug....and some little bits of tissue paper to sop up all of the nicks and tiny cuts I will get , whilst shaving ?

Well I'm sure that I have demonstrated my extreme naivete :biggrin1:...but other then watch my dad use his old Gillette Double edger, many years ago...I don't have any experience either with the DE protocol, or shaving with a Double Edge Shaver.

Any recommendations are much appreciated. Please remember that I am absolutely bereft :blink: of any and all DE Shaver knowledge.

Thank you in advance.
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Well I'm sure that I have demonstrated my extreme naivete :biggrin1:...but other then watch my dad use his old Gillette Double edger, many years ago...I don't have any experience either with the DE protocol, or shaving with a Double Edge Shaver.

Any recommendations are much appreciated. Please remember that I am absolutely bereft :blink: of any and all DE Shaver knowledge.

Thank you in advance.

If you can get a hold of that old Gillette, I would. By and large, they're mild and forgiving, perfect for the beginner. I started with a Parker 80R which, in my experience, was quite aggressive. I'm using SWMBO's grandfather's Gillette Ball End Tech now, and my shaves are much more enjoyable and relaxing because I don't have to be hyper-vigilant (yet still respectful of the blade).

I'll let other more seasoned shavers answer your other questions. Just wanted to drop in my $0.02.

Welcome to B&B! Good luck and good shaving!
The Muhle Pinsel is a great choice and of superior quality in my view to the Merkurs with the exception of the Merkur Progress (or better by far, a Mergress), which is adjustable. The Mantic vids are great. So is the Leisure Guy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving, available on Amazon. I recommend you get a decent brush and a good soap or cream, e.g., Taylor's creams are great for newbies and much cheaper than many. You should also try a tube of brushless shave cream, like the Avalon organic stuff. You don't need more than that to start. Yes, the sampler pack of blades is a great idea.
If you can get a hold of that old Gillette, I would.

By and large, they're mild and forgiving, perfect for the beginner. I started with a Parker 80R which, in my experience, was quite aggressive. I'm using SWMBO's grandfather's Gillette Ball End Tech now, and my shaves are much more enjoyable and relaxing because I don't have to be hyper-vigilant (yet still respectful of the blade).

I'll let other more seasoned shavers answer your other questions. Just wanted to drop in my $0.02.

Welcome to B&B! Good luck and good shaving!

Unfortunately my Dad's old Gillette DE is long gone.

Is the SWMBO's grandfather's Gillette Ball End Tech a new razor still around ? I will have to check this out
Search out user Mantic59 on youtube. He has videos that show you everything.

Get yourself a nice badger brush and a nice shave soap. I use Tabac, my wife likes DR Harris Lavender. Her brush is a Vulfix 660 Large, and is better than my older Col Conk Pure Badger. It cost us $50 US.

Knowledge is power.

I will have to check out the Mantic59 videos. Thanks.
Spend more of your money on a good soap and brush, that'll make a bigger difference to your shave than the razor itself will.

With a couple extremely rare exceptions, all DE razors take the same blades and all SE razors take the same blades. A sample pack is always a good idea, as the difference between blades can be quite striking.

You can skip the mug, unless you decide that you prefer to make your lather in a bowl. We're about 50/50 between bowl lathering and face lathering, and there's no real advantage to either beyond personal preference.
You can get pretty good lather from a $2.45 puck of Van Der Hagen soap, or a $1.45 puck of Williams soap, you don't need to spend a lot of money. Just watch some of the tutorials on making lather. A decent sized coffee cup is adaquate for lathering, you don't need an expensive shaving mug. Brushes can run anywhere from $10.00 to sky high, I have to wonder about the diminishing return-does something that costs 10 times more actually perform 10 times better?! A blade sampler is a good idea. Enjoy your voyage of discovery!
You can get pretty good lather from a $2.45 puck of Van Der Hagen soap, or a $1.45 puck of Williams soap, you don't need to spend a lot of money.I can get the puck of Williams soap here in town....but at the local WalMart...it's $ 3.88 CAD...ouch !! Just watch some of the tutorials on making lather. A decent sized coffee cup is adaquate for lathering, you don't need an expensive shaving mug. Thanks for the confirmation about the coffee cup...a lot cheaper then a shaving mug. Brushes can run anywhere from $10.00 to sky high, I have to wonder about the diminishing return-does something that costs 10 times more actually perform 10 times better?! Walmart and the Canadian Superstore (big Cdn. chain) have a Wilkinson brush that looks ok for $ 5.88. Think it's made in Germany. A blade sampler is a good idea. Enjoy your voyage of discovery!
I think I'll get the blade sampler.

Anybody have any suggestions about a particular brand that fits a Muhle R89 ? ?
Spend more of your money on a good soap and brush, that'll make a bigger difference to your shave than the razor itself will.

With a couple extremely rare exceptions, all DE razors take the same blades and all SE razors take the same blades.So it sounds like DE Razor blades will fit the Muhle R89 ? A sample pack is always a good idea, as the difference between blades can be quite striking.

You can skip the mug, unless you decide that you prefer to make your lather in a bowl. We're about 50/50 between bowl lathering and face lathering, and there's no real advantage to either beyond personal preference.

You know a bowl might be something to try. I think my local Cdn. Tire has small stainless steel bowls....universal uses....that are both cheap and might be easier to use then a mug...for me.

Any problems with using a stainless steel bowl or is SS something to avoid...do I need to have a pottery mug ?
The Muhle Pinsel is a great choice and of superior quality in my view to the Merkurs with the exception of the Merkur Progress (or better by far, a Mergress), which is adjustable.

Is adjustable something I should look for ? Is the Muhle R89 and Pinsel...are they adjustable ?The Mantic vids are great. So is the Leisure Guy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving, available on Amazon. I recommend you get a decent brush and a good soap or cream, e.g., Taylor's creams are great for newbies and much cheaper than many. You should also try a tube of brushless shave cream, like the Avalon organic stuff. You don't need more than that to start. Yes, the sampler pack of blades is a great idea.

Leisure Guy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving...I'll check that out.
You know a bowl might be something to try. I think my local Cdn. Tire has small stainless steel bowls....universal uses....that are both cheap and might be easier to use then a mug...for me.

Any problems with using a stainless steel bowl or is SS something to avoid...do I need to have a pottery mug ?

Stainless Steel is fine. Heck, I did my first bowl lathering today and I did it in a little disposable tupperware-type sandwich container.

A poster mentioned the board is 50-50 face or bowl/mug latherers. I will say as a newb myself that I got a way-better lather tonight with the tupperware bowl than I did on my face yesterday. It seemed way easier for this newb in the bowl.
Unfortunately my Dad's old Gillette DE is long gone.

Is the SWMBO's grandfather's Gillette Ball End Tech a new razor still around ? I will have to check this out

Not a new razor, but they're definitely still around. You can find them on the B/S/T, ebay or at antique stores.

Good luck!
Shaving Mug:

I'm not sure if I need one. Is a mug....just a mug...or is a specialized shaving mug, a mug that has particular qualities that you need for shaving, that aren't available with other...non shaving mugs ?

Do I need anything else ? :

I've noticed all sorts of oils, etc...other products. But do I really need anything more then a good DE Shaver, some DE razor blades, a brush, Gel/soap/cream, possibly a mug....and some little bits of tissue paper to sop up all of the nicks and tiny cuts I will get , whilst shaving ?

I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but grab a styptic pencil. You should be able to order one from whoever you order your razor from. IMO they work better than tissue paper, and are really cheap.

As for mugs, I prefer a mug to face lathering. I don't know if they have Goodwill or Salvation Army stores in Canada (some of my naivete showing there :001_smile), but I picked up a wide coffee mug in Goodwill for 25 cents and it works great for mug lathering. You can also pick up a standard sized coffee mug, like they have in diners, and drop a puck in there and lather on top of the soap. This is wasteful of soap, but if you're getting an inexpensive soap to start off with, it's a bit easier to get a lather in my opinion, and won't waste much. Definitely watch mantic's videos on YouTube about lathering.

I would say definitely get a brush. The majority of the better shave comes from lathering up with a brush and water. If you have the funds, drop a bit more money on the brush. Go with a Best quality badger, or a higher quality boar if you want boar. Definitely watch mantic's videos about brushes before selecting a brush.

As for razors, I have an Edwin Jagger, which is similar to the Muhle (I think), and I enjoy it. From the states, anyway, the EJ was cheaper than the Muhle.
Stainless Steel is fine. Heck, I did my first bowl lathering today and I did it in a little disposable tupperware-type sandwich container.

A poster mentioned the board is 50-50 face or bowl/mug latherers. I will say as a newb myself that I got a way-better lather tonight with the tupperware bowl than I did on my face yesterday. It seemed way easier for this newb in the bowl.

Thanks for the options . I wasn't sure if a pottery made shaving mug was something you had to use, for some reason.
I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but grab a styptic pencil. You should be able to order one from whoever you order your razor from. IMO they work better than tissue paper, and are really cheap.I will...the little cuts were the thing that originally drove me away from cartridges to electric razors...back in '84.

As for mugs, I prefer a mug to face lathering. I don't know if they have Goodwill or Salvation Army stores in Canada (some of my naivete showing there :001_smile), but I picked up a wide coffee mug in Goodwill for 25 cents and it works great for mug lathering. You can also pick up a standard sized coffee mug, like they have in diners, and drop a puck in there and lather on top of the soap. This is wasteful of soap, but if you're getting an inexpensive soap to start off with, it's a bit easier to get a lather in my opinion, and won't waste much. Definitely watch mantic's videos on YouTube about lathering.

I would say definitely get a brush. The majority of the better shave comes from lathering up with a brush and water. If you have the funds, drop a bit more money on the brush. Go with a Best quality badger, or a higher quality boar if you want boar. Definitely watch mantic's videos about brushes before selecting a brush.I will....thanks.

As for razors, I have an Edwin Jagger, which is similar to the Muhle (I think), and I enjoy it. From the states, anyway, the EJ was cheaper than the Muhle.
The EJ's are also available by mail order in Canada. I was selecting the Muhle, primarily because of the appearance.
Welcome aboard. A very recent convert myself there is a wealth of knowledge here. I made the mistake of focusing on the razors and now have a drawer full. There are a lot of the Gillette Techs on Ebay for $15 or less in near mint condition. Highly recommend as they shave great and are forgiving. (Started with the same razor you are interested in and it took a while to handle it correctly.) I use a big heavy old coffee mug I found in the cupboard for making lather. Read some of the threads on brushes. Biggest improvement for me was getting a nice brush. Cheers.
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