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decent first shave

well...i took the plunge and had my first str8 shave today, and after 40 min i arose from my bathroom with a decent first shave! it was a little tricky getting the nack of holding the razor against my face, but i ended up with no nicks, cuts, or weepers, and just a little irritation. i can still feel a little stubble under my nose and around the chin & neck area, but i presume that's normal for a first timer.
at one point i thought the razor was dragging just a bit, but i attributed that to most likely poor technique (both shaving & stropping).
Great, one more person to compete with my RAD.
I'm thinking I will start discouraging straight shaving now. :)


Good luck and congrats on your first shave!
Glad it worked out good your first time out. As for the dragging be sure you do good face prep, I had shaves that felt like I used a piece of broken glass when I was done because I had the lather mix wrong, let it get to dry etc..


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