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Dear "Dr. Nib"

Dear Dr. Nib,

I am seeking immediate triage for an ideal red/burgundy fountain pen ink. I've been using Noodler's Tiananmen. I love the color but find it feathers way too much for my liking, especially when grading papers. I don't want to self prescribe, but I am considering Diamine Syrah. I prefer more burgundy colors, little feathering, and more of a quick drying ink.

Please tell me Dr. Nib, what are your best recommendation(s) that can cure my problem.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
A great red is J. Herbin 1670 Anniversary Ink (Rouge Hematite) - the only red I have and use.
I just got a bottle of Visconti Burgundy ink delivered today, but I have not used it yet... That is reserved for a special pen coming soon!
My favorite color being burgundy, I discovered Diamine Syrah in my search for a good one. Check it out, you may enjoy it.
See here. Diamine Oxblood, Noodler's Red Black, and Private Reserve Red Black look nice if you're after a burgundy. I haven't used any of those personally, though.

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