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DE set up gifts for a 16 year old

For Xmas I'm going to buy my brother a DE set up. I'm buying him a razor, brush, blade sampler and some TOBS cream. He has a fair beard, unlike mine, so was just wondering what razor blades will be best for him as he won't need feathers or yellows?
Also what would be. Good entry level badger brush to get him started with that's not too expensive?

So far I have EJ89
TOBS sandalwood and Eaton creams
Old Spice AS
20 shark and Astra blades.

Many thanks
I haven't really tried the shark blades, but I like the Astras. As for brushes, I have a Tweezerman branded badger brush thats a few years old now and still going strong. It's very soft, and works great. I think they're under $15 on Amazon. I have a pair of Sabi badger brushes and even with some use, they seem to stay a bit scratchy.
I'd also give props to the Semogue line of brushes, but admittedly I've not tried the Tweezerman stuff. I'd also suggest having an ASB in there as well, they help soothe a lot for the new DE shaver while we get on top of the learning curve.
I'd get a Barley EJ89. Just for the looks and the tactile feedback while holding it.

Besides from that, I like the Eton creme, but perhaps it is too much for a 16 y.o.? I'm thinking a slightly older gentleman here. It's the most cologney one I've tried from TOBS. I'd go for an EJ soap, like the Buckthorn one, and a stick of Palmolive.

If you have access to it, Personna Lab works like a charm in almost any razor I own.
He doesn't know what kind of razor works best for himself yet. I suggest an adjustable, so he can dial in the closeness. If he starts with the milder settings and develops his technique, he'll enjoy it. If he gets a non-adjustable and it's too close, he'll never use a DE again. He'll be turned off.
What a great Xmas present mate. He'll be stoked.

Maybe a Alum Block or Styptic Pencil?

Don't forget some Thayers Witch Hazel.
I haven't really tried the shark blades, but I like the Astras. As for brushes, I have a Tweezerman branded badger brush thats a few years old now and still going strong. It's very soft, and works great. I think they're under $15 on Amazon. I have a pair of Sabi badger brushes and even with some use, they seem to stay a bit scratchy.

You beat me to it, Hansel. I was going to suggest a Tweezerman, so I will simply give my +1.

I saw a suggestion for younging up the AS, and while I agree that it Old Spice a classic scent that will make the girls swoon (young kids still say swoon, right? Jeez, I don't even know anymore) I will tentatively suggest swapping it out with Aqua Velva or something similar. Whatever you do, stay away from Axe. Heavens to Murgatroid, that stuff smells like a locker room.
He'll be ok with the Shark blades, nice and mild. As for brushes lets not forget about a good quality pure badger. My simpson Eagle G1 in pure is as soft as my Duke 2 in best.
The DE89 is a great razor, the barley handle particularly. The EJ badger brushes are quite reasonable too.
If you are committed to TOBS you might want to consider the Lemon Lime as a more youthful choice, otherwise I would suggest a shave stick like La Toja as it's easier and faster to get a good lather.
For AS products Nivea have a good range to suit all skin types or maybe a witch hazel-based splash? If he has typical teenager skin issues an alcohol-based AS may not be a good idea.
I have a thick beard but sensitive skin. Those shark blades may not be the sharpest but they're very smooth for me. I can get great shaves from them.
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