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DE Razor Newbie

Hello everyone.

I have been lurcking through B&B for quite some time (would rather do searches than post repeat questions every day...which has atually hindered me in the buy section :001_rolle ). Anyway, my question is about the old school Gillette DE razors versus new DE razors ie) Merkur.

Most people on the board rave about specific DE Gillette's...but I haven't confirmed if it is more of a collection item versus a better shave than newer razors. Is there a difference in shaves with the older Gillette's versus say a 34C HD Merkur? Or is this question like asking which one drives you to the store better...a 67 Mustang or a 09 Vette...it's purely preference. :wink:

Thanks everyone.
It's really just preference. Both modern and vintage razors can be excellent shavers. Ideally, you should get both.
I own and shave with both vintage and modern razors. All of them deliver great shaves. You really cannot go wrong.

Be sure to visit your local junk and antique stores - there's a fair chance you can find a great vintage razor. If you want a new one, it's hard to find a better shaver than the Edwin Jagger DE89L at any price.
I already have a Merkur 34C on its way...but was starting to second guess my purchase.
It's really just preference. Both modern and vintage razors can be excellent shavers. Ideally, you should get both.

What vintage razor would you (or others) recommend? As mentioned earlier I have a Merkur 34C on its way.
i own and shave with both vintage and modern razors. All of them deliver great shaves. You really cannot go wrong.

Be sure to visit your local junk and antique stores - there's a fair chance you can find a great vintage razor. If you want a new one, it's hard to find a better shaver than the edwin jagger de89l at any price.

What vintage razor would you (or others) recommend? As mentioned earlier I have a Merkur 34C on its way.

It's kinda hard to go wrong with pretty much any Gillette, as far as vintage razors go. I've got a Fatboy, Slim adjustable, '50's flair tip Superspeed, Fat Handle Tech, Travel Tech, Red Tip Superspeed, Ball end Handle Old Type, and a Bar Handle New. I use them all, and enjoy how each one shaves. You can find all of these relatively inexpensively, as well, if you're patient and keep looking for them.
What vintage razor would you (or others) recommend?

My bulldog is in rotation this week, but I'd recommend a slim adjustable. I still keep coming back to that one, and it's replaced my regular (flare-tip) superspeed in my dopp.
Hope it helps,
-- Chet
Once you get the hang of shaving with a de, a modern or vintage will shave just as well, get your prep right and your there, as for a vintage to get now, well i suppose its the price you want to pay, a ss or tech are very reasonable and both are great razors.
Welcome. For vintage I like the Fatboy and Slim Adjustable - probably like the Slim a little more. I seem to like the adjustables more than others.
As far as vintage razors go I have only tried the Tech and Fatboy. So far I prefer the Tech. Bought my 2 Techs and Fatboy at a local antique shop for $10. Worth the phone call/trip wouldn't you say? :001_smile
I have a Merkur 38 c , 6 vintage gilletes , and a Gem. My merkur gives an awesome shave , just a tad better than my gillettes , but I use my vintage gilletes more often that the Merkur , which is usually what I shave with on Sundays.
I started with a Merkur Classic 1904 for a couple reasons:

1) While I was interested in vintage Gillette razors (and now have several SSs, Tech, FB, a couple other brands), I wasn't sure I would know exactly what to look for as far as subtle damage, minor mis-alignment, etc., when I first started out. I figured a new German manufactured razor was a safe bet!

2) The 1904 is a pretty close modern copy of Gillette's original patent. If it was good enough to start a revolution, then it ought to be a good place to start DE shaving!

3) Trying to keep things reasonably economical, the 1904 looked like (and is!) a good buy.

So unless you have access to a reliable vendor for vintage razors -- and most of the guys here on the BST forum can take care of you -- starting with a new manufactured, quality razor is a great way to start.

Have fun learning!
I have three Gillettes and use all of them regularly. My favorite is a toss-up between the Slim Adjustable and a 40s Super-speed.
So what would be the group recommendation for a great beginner DE? A Tech? (still have the 34C in transit). :D
So what would be the group recommendation for a great beginner DE? A Tech? (still have the 34C in transit). :D

Summer is coming. You may wish to consider something adjustable. That way if you get a little too much sun some weekend, you could dial it back to some mild setting on Monday morning.

Enjoy the adventure.
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