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DE Razor cleaning questions

I've seen a sticky on how to clean old vintage razors but I need some advice in how to clean an every day razor... every day.

How often should I unmount my razor and clean every part of it?

What should I do once I finished shaving to keey my razor in optimal conditions?

How often should I decalcify my razor?

My Derby blade has brown spots on one side, ¿Rust? how can I avoid those? Can I still shave with these small light brown spots?

What about alcohol?

Thank you very much for your advice ^^
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I've seen a sticky on how to clean old vintage razors but I need some advice in how to clean an every day razor... every day.

How often should I unmount my razor and clean every part of it?

What should I do once I finished shaving to keey my razor in optimal conditions?

How often should I decalcify my razor?

Thank you very much for your advice ^^

I just take an old tootbrush and a little mild soap and give the razor a nice gentle scrubbing each time I change the blade (4 shaves or so). It keeps the razor nice and clean. I've never heard of the need to decalcify a razor - shouldn't be necessary with regular cleaning and we have really hard water here in Texas.
I clean, or at least wipe down my razor after every shave. I remove the blade, rinse it in hot water and place it on a paper towel to dry. The razor is opened if a TTO or taken down if a 3 piece and rinsed off in hot water. I then dry it with facial tissue and Q-Tips in the hard to get places. The dry razor is as bright and shiny as when it was first cleaned. I have hard water as well and have never had build up or even spots of any kind.

I change the blade out every week but I'm pretty bad about cleaning the safety razor itself. I haven't seen any noticeable damage to any of my razors aside from light soap residue. i'll probably give them a good scrubbing before I move onto the next razor in my rotation
On the weekend I take toothbrush and some anti antibacteriall soft soap and some hot water give it a brushing.
I've mentioned it before, and it works great. Every so often just take a small dab of toothpaste on an old toothbrush and give the razor a few brushes. It cleans great and won't harm the razor. Give it a try. :biggrin: :thumbup1:
I rinse mine under hot tap water after each use. And scrub them with an old toothbrush and hand soap between blade changes.
I have only used vinegar and water to clean them the first time I acquire a vintage razor. Never had a problem with soap scum building up on the one's I own.
I dip run mine under hot water then dip in a jar of rubbing alcohol after each shave and use a toothbrush and soap every couple weeks.

Ditto except I don't use a toothbrush I just use a dish cloth to wipe down my razor's after they've been soaked in alcohol.

I might get crazy one day and try vinegar and baking soda, I'll make sure I do it on the Parker first :lol:
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