Suggested by this thead, do razors produced under the Gillette name today still follow the old sequence of date codes?
For example, you can still get an Indian made Gillette Techish Razor. Do these have the traditional codes on the back? By my count, 2010 would be either E or F, depending on whether they skipped Q again or not.
How about cartridge razors? My Atra handles have 2F and 2G on the back, apparently meaning they were made in 1985 and 1986. Do Sensor/Mach3/Vector/Fusion handles also have these codes? How about disposables?
Just curious.
For example, you can still get an Indian made Gillette Techish Razor. Do these have the traditional codes on the back? By my count, 2010 would be either E or F, depending on whether they skipped Q again or not.
How about cartridge razors? My Atra handles have 2F and 2G on the back, apparently meaning they were made in 1985 and 1986. Do Sensor/Mach3/Vector/Fusion handles also have these codes? How about disposables?
Just curious.