So about 6:30 am this morning I woke to a sound of a mini "boom". Got up to investigate went downstairs and finding nothing amiss I wrote it off as maybe someone garbage lid closing or my imagination. I did take a peek outside to look at the neighbors back yard making sure nothing was fishy but went back to bed. Woke up, cruised B&B @ my local Starbucks and came home. Now two hours later drinking more coffee( having way too much) there I was standing at my kitchen island and was about to let our dog out to the back yard when I noticed glass by the sliding glass window. Looking up I saw the INSIDE of the window "blown" out? What the?..... who ever heard of glass blowing up inside of a house? In all the years helping my dad build houses this has never happened. Weird. So this was my New Years "gift". I'm thinking it's not going to be cheap to fix unlike a car windshield.