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Damn Comfortable Shave

Thursday I was a bit pressed for time, but still managed to pick good gear and get a very good shave.

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This is a very soft brush, but not too soft. It has good backbone, but it should. The knot is a non-D01 two band silvertip. It was ordered in an extra dense version of the Shavemac knot.

I like this brush.

The Mergress performed nicely using only one setting, 1/8th of a dial rotation. Man, I like the Mergress and the Opgress.

Shea butter last night. Cube/Tube today.

My blade was the Willy's, flipped again. I probably still have about 40 Willy's blades, all of which were sent to me with one of my Pearl razors, probably the Flexi OC. In any case, I like the Willy's blades.

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These days the vast majority of my shaves are quite pleasing to me. Almost all are Damn Comfortable Shaves which means they are
  • Comfortable during the shave.
  • Comfortable immediately after the shave.
  • Comfortable until the next shave.
There was a time when I wasn't sure a Damn Comfortable Shave was ever possible. If you're not there yet, I here to tell you to be patient, seek advice, and listen to some of the advice.

Happy shaves to you,


That's a wonderful handle pour, the blue patterning is really nice.

The knot seems super thick in that photo, what's the nominal MM on that? looks BIG like 28 or so.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

I am very glad Friday's arrived. It's been a very long week, and it's not over yet. Hope your week's been "shorter" than mine.


I got another pretty darn good shave today with my razor on the 1/8th setting. Flipped Willy's, going strong.

I knew a 24 mm Mozingo knot, such as this one, would be big. This knot is not a huge as my other Mozingo knots, but it is still huge, huge, huge compared with many knots having a lot larger nominal size.

Shea butter. Cube/Tube.

I am noticing a little bit of residual, after a good rinse hours ago, lavender scent from Mike's Hungarian Lavender shaving soap. That's a nice bonus. I'm very grateful for my great morning shaves of late.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Here you are, Adam.


That's a wonderful handle pour, the blue patterning is really nice.

It really is pretty. This handle also has great ergonomics. It is a winner!

The knot seems super thick in that photo, what's the nominal MM on that? looks BIG like 28 or so.

I looked back at my conversation with the original owner from whom I acquired the brush. He told me the nominal size is 30mm. He also told me the hair was packed extra dense on request to Bernd. The brush was at least six years old, if I understood him correctly, but had been used only once or twice.

As predicted it's changed over time. When I first got it it was so "new" it still had a few loose hairs from its build. Now it's pretty grown up.

This photograph was taken today.

By my caliper measurements just now, the knot measures 31mm at its exit from the handle.

Hope that helps.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Saturday I had time for a better shave which is not to say my recent, more hurried shaves have been even remotely bad.


To me this is a rather interesting brush.

The Rudy Vey Keyhole handle is smallish, but very nice in the hand. Plus, it's a lovely color. I've forgotten at the moment its official color and am too lazy at the moment to look it up, but it's some version of butterscotch. Maybe dark amber butterscotch with a swirl or something like that. It's a pretty color.

The Shavemac Pure knot is far from dense but not too far. Pushed lightly into the skin I find the knot pokey to my skin, but not so pokey I can't stand it. Its pokiness is only a minor handicap. Pushed a little bit harder into the skin, the knot is no longer pokey. It becomes quite soft (not too soft). The knot isn't heavy with backbone nor is it devoid of backbone. It terms of scrub, it is certainly adequate. For painting purposes the knot as soft as soft can be.

Rudy told Shavemac Pure knots vary, and that this is one of the good ones.

The brush has not been used a huge number of times. Quite the opposite. It occurs to me that perhaps the pokey scritch would go away with sufficient use. I believe Cal @Cal and others have reported successfully breaking in knots in pure badger, for instance the Simpson Wee Scot.

I noticed today that perhaps this brush loads and lathers better than average.

Without the scritch/pokiness I'd like this one a lot more, and I like it now.


A brand new Willy's blade was installed in my Opgress prior to today's shave. Yes, I really like the Willy's blade. Smooth and sharp. Similar to Polsilver SI and Wizamet SI. Almost no glue, too, which is a significant bonus.

My settings were 1/8th, 3/8ths, and fully closed. It's hard to beat the shave this razor and the Mergress deliver.



Last night SV shea butter was applied to my face and neck. Is this a superior shea butter worth the money? Really I have no idea. It is superior for sure to all of the crappy shea butters I've purchased in recent months. I'm not sure it's superior to the shea butter I've long used and can no longer find, but it's softer and a little smoother than that product; I'm not sure about better than that product though.

Prior to shaving I washed my face and neck with the Cube. Prior to lathering I applied the Tube as a preshave. Both are the same product packaged differently. The Tube is easier to fool with as an at the sink preshave. The Cube works great as a cleansing soap, but requires removal from the hands prior to shaving, and the Tube doesn't get on the hands. In my experience, the Cube/Tube greatly improve my shaves. It might just be me and my skin, but I doubt it. These are excellent products I think.

Good shave for sure today.

Happy shaves to you,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Monday. A good shave started the week off right.

(I'd skipped shaving on Sunday for no good reason.)


Today I used my usual settings of 1/8th, 3/8ths, and fully closed. The blade was the new Willy, flipped for the first time.

No shea butter last night, but I used shea butter Saturday night. Does that count? Maybe so as I didn't wash it off. (Although I did spend an hour or so in the swimming pool yesterday.) The Cube was used in the shower this morning and the Tube at the sink.

This brush has a wonderful knot. A most delicious but also very soft scrub!

Happy shave to you,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Tuesday. A good shave.


I like this brush. I've had it a pretty long time.
  • It is every big as huge as it looks.
  • The handle is like a slightly taller Chubby 3.5.
  • In my view, it is better than a Chubby handle.
  • The huge knot is dense with plenty of scrub.
  • It is also very soft, but not too soft.

I have only a couple of three band knots. I like 'em, but generally lean towards two bands and Manchurians. Still, I like this brush and enjoy it on occasion.

Settings were 1/8th, 3/8ths, and fully closed.

The blade was the flipped Wizamet SI.

Shea butter. Cube/Tube.

Very nice shave today!

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Wednesday. Good shave.

(Feels like Friday. I need more time off work. Good luck on that, Jim.)


This is another very good brush. Excellent brush and knot. Plus, I like the looks of the handle; for the record, I think it looks a lot better in person than in photographs. It's not ivory of course; it's faux horn (resin).

Mergress settings were mostly 1/8th, with a little bit of 3/8ths, and a tad of fully closed.

My blade was the same Willy's, flipped again. It's on maybe shave #4.

I forgot to use shea butter last night and forgot to use the Cube in this morning's shower, but I used the Tube as a sink preshave. Worked fine that way.

No complaints. To the contrary, this was a very good shave and quite enjoyable.

Happy shaves to you,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Friday. TGIF. It has been a very long week, but it's almost the weekend!


Today's brush has a knot I very much enjoy on occasion. I like its size. I like the scrub and the degree of softness. To me, the handle would be better were it a CH3. This handle in this shape and size seems a bit small to me. (There are smaller handles I like better.)

Mergress settings of 1/8th and 3/8ths were used. It was a quick but complete and good shave. I used the same Willy's flipped.

Shea butter last night. Cube/Tube today.

I hope your week has been subjectively shorter than mine.

Happy shaves to you,



Not made for these times.
Friday. TGIF. It has been a very long week, but it's almost the weekend!

View attachment 1707634

Today's brush has a knot I very much enjoy on occasion. I like its size. I like the scrub and the degree of softness. To me, the handle would be better were it a CH3. This handle in this shape and size seems a bit small to me. (There are smaller handles I like better.)

Mergress settings of 1/8th and 3/8ths were used. It was a quick but complete and good shave. I used the same Willy's flipped.

Shea butter last night. Cube/Tube today.

I hope your week has been subjectively shorter than mine.

Happy shaves to you,

Great brush, Jim.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Saturday. Just a simple shave, minor league version, but still plenty good.


The flipped Willy's completed its final shave today. Both the Mergress and the Opgress were washed with a toothbrush and Dawn after the blade was discarded.

Just one setting: 1/8th.

I enjoyed this knot today. My comments from about a week ago apply.

Haven't used Canada in a while. Also I don't know what any soap is like without the Cube/Tube. I enjoyed the soap today; I always enjoy it. It is definitely a lighter lather than Mike's which I've mostly been using for a good while. This brush loads and lathers both soaps extremely well.

Shea butter was also used last night.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Sunday's shave was very nice partially because I used a brand new Willy's blade.


Opgress settings of 1/8th and 3/8ths did a great job of it.

This Spanish Shavers LE Mistura is a fine brush. It loads and lathers extremely well. It's soft but also scrubby. While I'd prefer it have a larger knot, the knot is certainly not small.

Shea butter last night. Cube in the shower. Tube as a preshave prior to lathering.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Monday. Starting the week off right.


Tried this nice boar again today. It needs a bit more breaking in, but is already very acceptable.

Opgress settings of 1/8th, 3/8ths, and fully closed delivered the goods.

The blade today was the same Willy's, flipped, and on shave #2.

Shea butter last night. Cube/Tube today.

What's not to like?

Happy shaves,

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