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I received a Damaskeene as a PIF from Bit2 over the weekend and shaved with it today... this thing is awesome! I've shaved with vanilla 1912, G-Bar, and OC Micromatic and I think we have a new winner as far as the best safety razor I've tried. So for all you 1912 fans you might want to try to find one of these bad boys. When I first saw it I couldn't tell a difference between the 1912 until I held them next to each other but there is a slight difference. Now I need to find one of those Ever-Ready Streamlines!
I received a Damaskeene as a PIF from Bit2 over the weekend and shaved with it today... this thing is awesome! I've shaved with vanilla 1912, G-Bar, and OC Micromatic and I think we have a new winner as far as the best safety razor I've tried. So for all you 1912 fans you might want to try to find one of these bad boys. When I first saw it I couldn't tell a difference between the 1912 until I held them next to each other but there is a slight difference. Now I need to find one of those Ever-Ready Streamlines!

Well you gotta post a side by side picture of the two.
Well I was gonna sell it but it is the Christmas giving time of year.
It is a user grade shaver, but the shaves are fantastic.

I wish you the best of luck with it.
I sent two handles because I am slowly getting all the SE Heads tapped to fit BRW (Cooncatbob's) handles.

Merry Christmas,

1912 is my go to weapon without a second thought, cant wait to get my mitts on a damaskeene..... if my wallet allows it! :001_huh:
1912 is my go to weapon without a second thought, cant wait to get my mitts on a damaskeene..... if my wallet allows it! :001_huh:

While my regular, flat-faced 1912 is a very good razor, my rounder-faced Damaskeene is my favorite. BTW, I am not the only member of this forum that has found the rounder-faced GEM/STAR/Ever-Ready razors gave a better shave.

I don't remember what I payed for it, but I got mine in very good to excellent condition for somewhere around $15.00 U.S. including shipping. A not unusual price.

If you like/prefer SE, then get a Damaskeene when you can and while you can.

A true bargain!

In fact, I need to get another so that I can get a BRW handle fitted to it!


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Hi - nube/lurker here, getting back into SE shaving, and shaving with vintage equipment.

I prowled some of the local antique shops today and ran across a short-handled chainlink Gem Damaskeene that had the flip-top hinged at the front, by the comb instead of the back like all the others I've seen. I googled up a pic of a similarly hinged Ever-Ready (last photo on the page), but I haven't been able to find anything about this Gem. I'd have picked it up but I need to do some more haggling with the shop owner.

Does anyone have an idea as to it's age/range of production?
Hi - nube/lurker here, getting back into SE shaving, and shaving with vintage equipment.

I prowled some of the local antique shops today and ran across a short-handled chainlink Gem Damaskeene that had the flip-top hinged at the front, by the comb instead of the back like all the others I've seen. I googled up a pic of a similarly hinged Ever-Ready (last photo on the page), but I haven't been able to find anything about this Gem. I'd have picked it up but I need to do some more haggling with the shop owner.

Does anyone have an idea as to it's age/range of production?
A Gem Damaskeene is similar to the 1912 model. What you have sounds like the 1924 that some have nicknamed "the shovel-head."
The Damaskeene and the 1924 "shovel-head" are two totally different critters.
Here is a picture of a Damaskeene (L) and a regular 1912 (R). Notice the slightly rounded head on the one on the (L), whereas the 1912 (R) is more straight.
Also, flip open the Damaskeene and there will be inscribed the word Damaskeene plain as day.
That's pretty much a sure fire way to tell it's a Damaskeene. :tongue_sm


Now, here is a picture of the 1924 (aka "the shovel-head").
This is the one I think you described.
Totally different than the ones above, but still a good shave.
Be sure to give it an extra shake when you rinse it out in the sink, while shaving, as it likes to dribble water out of it's big ole head.
Since it was made by the American Safety Razor Co., it could have the name Gem, Ever Ready, or even Star.


Ok, now back to the topic. :biggrin1:
A Gem Damaskeene is similar to the 1912 model. What you have sounds like the 1924 that some have nicknamed "the shovel-head."
The Damaskeene and the 1924 "shovel-head" are two totally different critters.
Here is a picture of a Damaskeene (L) and a regular 1912 (R). Notice the slightly rounded head on the one on the (L), whereas the 1912 (R) is more straight.
Also, flip open the Damaskeene and there will be inscribed the word Damaskeene plain as day.
That's pretty much a sure fire way to tell it's a Damaskeene. :tongue_sm

Now, here is a picture of the 1924 (aka "the shovel-head").
This is the one I think you described.
Totally different than the ones above, but still a good shave.
Be sure to give it an extra shake when you rinse it out in the sink, while shaving, as it likes to dribble water out of it's big ole head.
Since it was made by the American Safety Razor Co., it could have the name Gem, Ever Ready, or even Star.

Ok, now back to the topic. :biggrin1:

Well, it DOES say Damaskeene plain as day, hence my question.

I haven't bought it yet; gotta haggle the dealer down plus I want to go over it just to make sure all the tabs and teeth are as they should be.

I guess a better question is, did Gem make a shovel-head model with the Damaskeene inscription? If I get the guy to come down sufficiently I'll post pics.
I've had one sitting in a drawer for months, guess it's time to clean it up and give it a test drive!!! Thanks for posting!!!:thumbup1:
I guess a better question is, did Gem make a shovel-head model with the Damaskeene inscription?
I guess anything is possible. I did some digging on this forum and found pictures of an open comb 1912 style Damaskeene, so I guess it's possible to have a 1924 Damaskeene as well. If it is indeed a 1924 style Damaskeene, then it is probably a rare find worth snapping up. Can't wait to see some pictures of it. Perhaps the shop keep would let you take pictures of it in the store if the price can't be agreed upon.
Pics please of the 1924 Damaskeene. :001_smile

The 1912 Damaskeene's are great razors and well worth looking for - I like mine better than the other 1912's I have tried.
=- ahem =-

uh, yeah,


-=cough cough=-

(shifting from one foot to the other)...

you see, it was like this...

The guy had a 1912 Damaskeene AND a 1924 Ever-Ready side by side, both nickel or chrome plated, and I, uh, sort of, you know,.....

got them mixed up in my mind.

It IS a 1912 Damaskeene, hinged at the back. It didn't help that the dealer next door also had a 1914 Ever-Ready in a Gem box.

PLUS I was also on the lookout for hats.

Sorry for the false alarm.

Anyway, I went back today, haggled him down to $20 for the Damaskeene so all's well that ends well I suppose.

This is it after sanitizing and a light polish:



Congratulations on becoming the proud owner of one fine razor.
Many here, myself included, consider it to be the best of the best in Single Edge razors.
May you eternally enjoy shaving with it. :thumbup:
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