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Dallas Pen Show coming up Sept 21-22

This will work out great. I can send my coworker to the pen show to find goodies for me, and I can go to Antique Alley to find some trades.
On that calender it says the date is confirmed, maybe the other site I saw wasn't updated yet.
I just checked Richard Binder's site and it says March 16-17.

The 10-11 was for 2012.....:confused1
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I will definitely be at the Dallas show Saturday. Maybe I'll see some of you guys at the Esterbrook talk. I need to learn as much as I can about those pens, especially since I bought my first one last weekend and I don't think it'll be my last Estie. It's a great pen!:001_cool:
Not trying to thread-jack here just curious: Does anyone know if there's one of these in or around the GTA?



there was one i think it fell apart this year as intrest from the forum it was building off of fell apart early and by the time people got into it it was a bit late, but that was just me doing a google search on my own

fountain pen forum is a good place to keep an eye out for that kind of thing
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