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D.R. Harris

I suppose I'm relatively new to wetshaving (since October 2012), but I catch on to new endeavors relatively quick. I started off with the creams... Jack Black Supreme Cream, TOBS (Jermyn Street, Mr.Taylor's, Almond, St. James, Eton College), The Bluebeard's Revenge, Nancy Boy Signature... but then I slowly started to realize that my particular type of facial hair (course and wiry) was best suited to face-lathering, so I switched to soaps.
I then began trying Italian "croaps", starting with the Razorock line. I bought their Caprecian Lemon and Boston Tea Party, and I noticed an immediate difference in the quality of my shaves. As a life-long sufferer of razor bumps I was in awe as they gradually started to disappear.
A few weeks ago I got my first triple-milled soap in the mail... this one from England... "D.R. Harris Marlborough".
Wow. Wow. WOW. After using it exclusively for 2 weeks, I can safely say that my neck and face is looking better than it has EVER looked in 15 years. ALL of the the irritating razor bumps that have dominated my face since I first started sprouting facial hair are gone. I know that this hobby inclines us to buy new products every few days in an effort to find the perfect cushion/slickness/scent, but I feel that I am fortunate enough to have found my perfect soap, and now I'm done searching. I am going to order a bowl of their "Arlington", "Lavender", and "Almond" shaving soaps, and I suspect that not only will I be stocked up on shaving needs, I'm also probably done searching in general, because I've found my perfect soap.
As much as I love trying out new stuff - I have to say... D.R. Harris for the freaking win!
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Fascinating story, Vinci.
Most of us have found our way to soap 'utopia' and have seen the difference on our cheeks too :biggrin1:
I for one had terrible problems with bumps, all due to poor quality products and a bad technique. I use the straight now and only need to shave every other day. My soap utopia is Martin de Candre. I paid a stupid amount for it but my face (as you state) has never looked or felt so good.
Good luck with your shaves and enjoy the Harris soaps. They are among the best the UK has to offer!!
Harris soaps are absolutely top notch. I've been experimenting with other soap makers but keep asking myself if I shouldn't just order the entire Harris line and call it a day.

Enjoy your shaving Nirvana!
My soap list is:
DR Harris Arlington
DR Harris Marlborough

I use a Tabac stick for travel.

I have tried others, but I always seem to drift back to the above.

Congrats on finding your "Grail" soap.

I am curious about the DR Harris Lavender scent and may try that when my current stock needs replacement.
That's great to hear, I agree that Harris soaps are wonderful, and am pleased they worked so well for you. Enjoy your shave!
Really the entire Harris line is good, from soup to nuts. I use the deodorant, the coconut hair cream condtioner, the milk od cucumber and roses etc etc
Arlington is my favorite soap hands down. looking forward to ordering some windsor and marlborough, enjoy the new scents when you get them.
Malborough is my favorite Harris and in my top three of all. I didn't see Windsor on your list but I highly recommend it as well. The matching aftershaves are also quite good.
Arlington is one of my favorite soaps. Be sure to revisit some of your older soaps in a few months - you may be surprised how much better the soap seems with a few months worth of improvement on your technique.
Yep, I can only agree with what everyone else has said. DR Harris soaps really are up there with the very best - and the matching aftershaves are excellent too.

What I really like about the DRH soaps is that to my mind they're easily the best of the London makers - but they're also very reasonably priced.
Harris soaps are certainly top-notch. Great to hear that you are getting good shaves with them.
Arlington for their soap and Sandalwood for their creams tops my list of D.H. Harris products but they are all good in a pinch :001_smile
Hi Vinci...and everyone else!

I started wet shaving with a DE about a year ago. I went through a bunch of creams as well and tried soap (based on advice from a sage member here on B&B). I find soap makes an overall better shave for me as well. I still use cream from to e to time but I'm hooked on C&E sandalwood soap.

I was going to buy either a puck of Tabac or D.R. Harris Arlington. I'm leaning toward the Arlington based on the general consensus here. Any thoughts, gentlemen?

@Jason - I just received the "Arlington" in the mail today after loving their "Marlborough" for a couple of weeks now, and (sorry if this is heresy)... I honestly don't like the scent at all. In my search for the perfect shave, I got quite a few sampler packs of creams, and Arlington smells really similar to Truefitt's "No. 10", in my opinion. I think it's an older English scent... I don't know what it is comprised of.
I'm going to try and trade my unused bowl/puck for the Harris Almond or Windsor or Lavender - but you might like Arlington. It seems to be a very popular scent among the people here, and these guys know their stuff. As far as the lather, though, Harris is a tremendous soap. I've been curious about Tabac myself, but I have spent my limit on soaps for the foreseeable future :blush:


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Harris is the slickest stuff in my den. One day, I will own the whole soap line (with bowls)
Sometimes I open up the Windsor jar and take a whiff just because it smells so awesome. Lather is top notch too.
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