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Cutting the Cella Brick?

I tried the Cella in the 150g. size (in the little red covered bowl) and really liked it, so I ordered the kilo sized brick. How do you gentlemen carve out pieces of the brick to fit in your scuttles and bowls? I had thought that an ice cream scoop might be a good way to attack it, but I await your advice.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Cella is pretty soft, cut with a butter knife a small square and push it into your red container. Store the remaining as referenced above.
I just used a bread knife. You can easily mold the soap right into any container you want. I just recommend using an airtight container.
Great --- thanks, guys. I just got an email from FedEx that the package was delivered this AM, so I'll attack it after I get home tonight. :biggrin1:
You might want to initially slice the entire brick into usable portions, packing each slice or two, perhaps wrapped in wax or parchment paper (to further impede deterioration), into a ziplock freezer bag, and, as Marco recommends, storing it all in some enclosed, dark, room-temperature place.
I'm curious to hear how you think the Cella brick compares to the little red tub.

Personaly, I disliked the scent of the soap in the red tub, but love the scent of the brick.
I just slice off a piece with a butter knive then press it into a container. I use a container with a larger opening then the red Cella tub.
I will let you know when I have tried it, but I should mention that I like the scent of the soap in the red tub. Chocolate and vanilla, I guess...
OK, I tried the brick this morning. I prefer the aroma of the crema in the little red tub. I think I also prefer the lather of the crema, but it's too soon to tell. In spite of that, I think I get a slightly smoother shave with the brick. Go figure...

BTW, since I started this thread by asking about cutting the brick, I ended up using the little red tub like a cookie cutter and got it nicely filled that way. That left a circular hole about half way through the brick. I took a mug and used it, again, like a cookie cutter and took the other half of the hole that way. The soap is easy to manipulate, so I don't think the shape will be any problem as I remove more soap along the way. I put the rest of the brick in two Ziplok freezer bags and stuck it in my refrigerator for future use.
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