So i got a letter today from someone,... I wont say who so the parties involved wont be outed, but it rhymes with Crop,... just saying.
Anyhow i had been eyeing some paper and other things at goulet for a while, and successfully put it to the back of my mind where i had forgotten all about it,... that was till todays offering came on some great paper in a nice envelope,... and to my total demise, I was reminded at the foot of the letter exactly what it was,... the same thing i had been eyeballing before
G Lalo A4 tabs, with the envelopes,... and since RockViper gave me some ink to play with I got a bottle of Nood's Elysium to go with it So curses to him-back to Dave who gave it to him lmao as i needed to have this one on hand (btw Ed you may take a look at that particular blue,... just sayin')
sorry for not Inviting you out on this order Sam i was on my phone it was a Whimsy type "checkout" hit but when you run out of your samples i have some more here,... and an invisible ink one to play with as well,... but i got to leave some of that for my nephew to play with
So i tossed in some wax and a stampy thing with what appears to be a "J" in it,... although i was seriously tempted to get a Zed on,... but then only a few here would understand why I would have a Z stamp and i wouldnt look forward to trying to explain shave forum nib section humour to those not naturally familiar with the whole thing,.... it doesnt translate well
Of course ill post pics when i get the stuff
So to Mr Crop to you sir i say,.... well thanks for reminding me why I love this place !
Anyhow i had been eyeing some paper and other things at goulet for a while, and successfully put it to the back of my mind where i had forgotten all about it,... that was till todays offering came on some great paper in a nice envelope,... and to my total demise, I was reminded at the foot of the letter exactly what it was,... the same thing i had been eyeballing before
G Lalo A4 tabs, with the envelopes,... and since RockViper gave me some ink to play with I got a bottle of Nood's Elysium to go with it So curses to him-back to Dave who gave it to him lmao as i needed to have this one on hand (btw Ed you may take a look at that particular blue,... just sayin')
sorry for not Inviting you out on this order Sam i was on my phone it was a Whimsy type "checkout" hit but when you run out of your samples i have some more here,... and an invisible ink one to play with as well,... but i got to leave some of that for my nephew to play with
So i tossed in some wax and a stampy thing with what appears to be a "J" in it,... although i was seriously tempted to get a Zed on,... but then only a few here would understand why I would have a Z stamp and i wouldnt look forward to trying to explain shave forum nib section humour to those not naturally familiar with the whole thing,.... it doesnt translate well
Of course ill post pics when i get the stuff
So to Mr Crop to you sir i say,.... well thanks for reminding me why I love this place !