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Crocs for Men

If you are comfortable in your skin, you'll be comfortable in Crocs, or whatever else you want to wear. Personally, if it floats my boat, I don't give a c*** what other people think. If you personally do not care for them (or whatever else), that's fine too, but I really do not understand the whole dignity, masculine, style... concern. Is it a self confidence thing or something? Just really trying to understand what to me has always been a mysterious perspective...
I think they're pretty high on the list of "Crap I Don't Need." +1 to shavervinnie about the pop culture thing. If I need something to slip on to run out and grab the mail or whatever, I'll put on my flip-flops or slip on my Vans, depending on whether or not I'm wearing socks at the time.

I spent last weekend and part of the week back home for my little brother's wedding, and stayed with my grandmother. She, my mother, and my brother's stepmom all had a pair, and all wore them around town running errands before we drove down to the wedding. I understand the practical functionality to some extent, but I believe there are enough products on the market to find something just as practical, just as comfortable, and less likely to incur ridicule. Hell, my brother's dad is missing his right arm and is diabetic -- he'd be a perfect candidate for Crocs, as they're easy to wear and purportedly comfortable as can be -- and he still just wears plain old velcro-strap tennis shoes.

Place me firmly in the "Don't Want 'em, Don't Need 'em" camp.
I think they're pretty high on the list of "Crap I Don't Need." +1 to shavervinnie about the pop culture thing. If I need something to slip on to run out and grab the mail or whatever, I'll put on my flip-flops or slip on my Vans, depending on whether or not I'm wearing socks at the time.

Flip-flops? Do you live on the beach? I can see Vans if you've got a really good skateboard tube near your house.

I'm not criticizing, just pointing out that everything is relative.
Flip-flops? Do you live on the beach? I can see Vans if you've got a really good skateboard tube near your house.

I'm not criticizing, just pointing out that everything is relative.

You're right, it is. I don't live on a beach, no, but neither do I wear my flip-flops out in public. They're a good around-the-house or run-to-the-mailbox kind of shoe. When I do go to a pool or the beach, or when I'm washing my car, they're also handy.

As for the Vans, they're sneakers. Sneakers are sneakers. I wear my Chucks almost daily, too. Does that mean I must be a 1920s basketball player? I grew up in the 90s rock scene, and Vans and Chucks are an indelible part of that culture, and my upbringing. I spent the last three years fronting a rock band, and would still be doing it if I hadn't moved to Virginia a couple months ago. I got engaged in my Chucks, had my engagement portraits taken in them, and got married in them.

I don't think anyone's upbringing featured Crocs as prominently.

Not criticizing, not flaming, just pointing out that, while I agree that one's choice of footwear is relative, I personally don't think that Crocs are really relevant or even necessary. There are plenty of other options out there that are equal in both comfort and ease-of-wear, without looking, frankly, so damn goofy.

I'm really not trying to stir anything up, I'm just stating my point of view. I understand that for some people, Crocs are really great. They just aren't for me, because I prefer the alternatives that are available to me.
I instinctively stayed away from Crocs but love Birkenstock. A couple of days ago I tried a pair of Crocs on in black, exactly the same model as The Duckster has. They're REALLY comfortable. I'd say they're the Birkenstocks for the 21st Century. Croc ON!

I loved Crocs for several years, then i noticed I was getting my Plantars Faciatis(sp) back. One trip to the podiatrist confirmed my suspicion..... Crocs may be comfortable, but if you have foot problems... they aren't for you.

Now I am back in my Birks and happy....

I saw these on a manikin in the men’s department not so long ago, the wife looked at me and we cracked up, nearly as good a laugh as we had the afternoon we saw “Manties” (brightly colored butt huggers with ruffles and lace) in the men’s department at Macy’s.

I be these will be common in the states next summer. They were everywhere in Europe Last summer and I am starting to see them here and there in Texas.

With pitting edema and arthritic hands, these Dunham leather mules are perfect in the kitchen, garden, taking out the trash or anytime lacing up shoes is out of the question. And, they're one of only a few styles of casual slip-on shoes available in 13 6E.

Well, to paraphrase Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly "A man that wears 13 EEEEEE shoes ... ain't afraid of nothin". :001_smile
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